Jan Luehe wrote On 09/08/06 15:41,:
> Hi Mark,
> Mark Basler wrote On 09/08/06 15:00,:
>> Hi Jan,
>> What version of glassfish are you using? I am using glassfish UR1 b6.
> I've tried with both the latest v2 as well as v1 UR1 b10.
I just tried v1 UR1 b06, and I see the filter init params getting logged
there as well.
>> I worked around the problem by using the ServletContext, but I really
>> don't see why the init-param didn't work.
> No, you should not have to work around this.
>> If you have a later build, I will try it, but if not, I will just
>> stick with the workaround...
> I'm confident we already have both SQE and TCK coverage for this.
> If not, can this be added? cc'ing the relevant folks.
> Jan
>> Please let me know...
>> Thanks - Mark
>> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> Mark Basler wrote On 09/08/06 11:17,:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> I am having trouble retrieving an init-param in a filter for a web
>>>> application. My deployment descriptor that is built by netbeans
>>>> 5.5 20060907 seems to look correct. I didn't get an error during
>>>> deployment, the relevant section is below:
>>>> <filter>
>>>> <filter-name>CaptchaValidateFilter</filter-name>
>>>> <filter-class>com.sun.javaee.blueprints.petstore.controller.CaptchaValidateFilter</filter-class>
>>>> <init-param>
>>>> <param-name>entryPages</param-name>
>>>> <param-value>index.html|index.jsp|fileupload.jsp|search.jsp|catalog.jsp|mapAll.jsp|.jpg|.gif</param-value>
>>>> </init-param>
>>>> </filter>
>>>> <filter>
>>>> The code in the filter is as follows...
>>>> public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
>>>> this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
>>>> // TEST Code
>>>> String
>>>> entryPagesParam=filterConfig.getInitParameter("entryPages");
>>>> System.out.println("\n*** entry String = " + entryPagesParam);
>>>> for (Enumeration e = filterConfig.getInitParameterNames();
>>>> e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
>>>> System.out.println("\n*** ParamName=" + e.nextElement());
>>>> }
>>>> "*** entry String = nulll" gets printed to the server.log and the
>>>> parameters aren't printed from the getInitParameterNames enumeration.
>>> I'm unable to reproduce this. I see the init param name and value
>>> getting
>>> logged just fine.
>>> I noticed in your filter declaration, you have a <filter> following
>>> the closing
>>> </filter>, making your web.xml malformed. But in this case, your webapp
>>> would not even deploy ...
>>> Jan
>>>> I did try to access the ServerParams by using the code below and
>>>> all the servlet parameters printed to the log as expected:
>>>> for (Enumeration e =
>>>> filterConfig.getServletContext().getInitParameterNames();
>>>> e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
>>>> System.out.println("\n*** ParamName=" + e.nextElement());
>>>> }
>>>> I searched the bug database and couldn't find and issues.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated...
>>>> Please let me know...
>>>> Thanks - Mark