Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 20:07:30 +0200

Oh, yes, certainly. Sorry for beeing so blind. :-)
I'll try again in the correct folder.

Tom Ware wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> I guess I should have been more clear. Testing is run out of the
> entity-persistence-tests module. The build file with the "test"
> target exists in that module.
> -Tom
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> Tom,
>> thank you for being so patient with me and sorry for me answering so
>> late. Actually I had not found any time to work on my MaxDB support in
>> the past weeks, since I was booked out with my "real" job of
>> coordinating a globally distributed development team.
>> So today I am back at my keyboard and wanted to continue with your
>> step-by-step instructions on how to add MaxDB support into GlassFish.
>> Unfortunately there is one step not working and you might be so kind to
>> tell me where I am going wrong.
>>> The first step to running the tests (as Marina has also replied) is
>>> to take a look at the readme.txt file in the entity-persistence-tests
>>> directory and follow those instructions. If you do not have a DB
>>> (other than MaxDB) conveniently available you can use an embedded
>>> Derby database. Everything you need to do that is available from a
>>> bootstrapped GlassFish. As you can probably tell from my email
>>> address, I usually run these tests on Oracle, so I am not a Derby
>>> expert, but, here are the properties I use when I am running tests on
>>> Derby:
>>> --
>>> jdbc.driver.jar=<cvs home>/publish/glassfish/javadb/lib/derby.jar
>>> db.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
>>> db.url=jdbc:derby:testDb;create=true;
>>> db.user=tware
>>> db.pwd=password
>>> --
>>> The tests actually take on the order of 20 minutes to run on embedded
>>> Derby. If you have a commercial-quality database, the tests will run
>>> much quicker. (my tests on Oracle run in less then 5 minutes)
>>> -Tom
>> I did as you told me, also added tl.platform=...derby... (as to be found
>> in the readme), but then the readme says that I shall to "ant test", but
>> actually the build.xml of entity-persistence doesn't contain a target
>> named test, so ant is not doing anything but complaining about exactly
>> that problem. So it seems either the readme is wrong, or the build.xml
>> is buggy.
>> What shall I do now?
>> Thanks
>> Markus
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