Re: User Experience: NB Java EE 5 Usability Study and v2 Deployment Plans

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:42:33 -0700

Nazrul Islam wrote:
> I have posted the minutes. Please see:
> Deployment team is planning to improve the error messages and
> performance. Please help the team.
> Encouraging everyone to file issues when you run into a bad error
> messages!
> Thanks.
If you do encounter a bad error message, please mark it as a blocker for
issue 986 (,
which is an umbrella issue to help track our progress on this
improvement initiative.

If you have an issue which is assigned to you, that is about error
messages (or even just has a message that you think needs to get fixed),
but has not been flagged as a blocker on this issue.... please flag it, too.
