GlassFish v2/Appserver 9.1 Milestone 2 completion is coming up fast

From: Sridatta Viswanath <Sridatta.Viswanath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 18:10:41 -0700

GlassFish v2/Appserver 9.1 Developers,
Milestone 2 completion is round the corner (9/26). As you know, M2 exit
has bug reduction as a big requirement. Here are some important links:

    * Issue Tracker: baseline
      (internal Sun link) and current status
    * Bugster (internal Sun links): baseline
      and current status

For P2s, we were at 158 bugs at baseline and we are at 145 today. We
need to be at 79 bugs by 9/26. We have lots of bugs to fix in less than
a week. It seems like an improbable target but we need to get as close
as possible.

So, *please focus on your bugs. *
