Re: Review of http-lb commands and some other questions....

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 15:50:00 -0700

satish viswanatham wrote:
>>> Filed a bug. bug# 6463768.
>> Good.
>> As an aside: Why aren't we filing this in issue tracker?
> In the issue tracker I only saw "9.0pe, 9.0peur1, 9.1pe". I was
> looking for a EE category. Now that EE features are exposed in
> GlassFish, which is the right version to choose? I will dig up my
> previous emails to see if I missed any existing conversations on this
> topic. I thought all the bugs are available to view issue tracker soon
> and 2 way bridge will be operational soon. I will file the next bug
> using issue tracker, so that we do not have wait for 2 way bridge.

> [snip]
>> What are the semantics of --lbenableallinstances?
> enableallinstances only valid for enabling during creation. by default
> they are disabled. enableallinstances works for only one target, as
> you can add one target at a time to lbconfig. there is no
> create-http-lb-ref --target c1, c2, c3
> create-http-lb-config c1-lb-config
> create-http-lb-ref --config c1-lb-config c1
> (in memory object)equivalent to the following:
> <loadbalancer>
> <cluster name="c1">
> <instance disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="false"
> listeners="http://
> chandu.sfbay:8080 https://chandu:8181 https://chandu:4849"
> name="server"/>
> <web-module context-root="/jaxrpc-simple"
> disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" en
> abled="false"/>
> </cluster>
> ....
> however
> create-http-lb-config c1-lb-config
> create-http-lb-ref --lbEnableAllInstances --lbEnableAllApplications
> --config c1-lb-config c1
> <loadbalancer>
> <cluster name="c1">
> <instance disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true"
> listeners="http://
> chandu.sfbay:8080 https://chandu:8181 https://chandu:4849"
> name="server"/>
> <web-module context-root="/jaxrpc-simple"
> disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" en
> abled="true"/>
> </cluster>
> ....

Why do we assume that people would want to create a disabled
http-lb-ref? It seems like folks would want it to be enabled by default?

Another way to ask that q, might be, "Why would a person
create-http-lb-ref and leave it disabled?"

>>>> [snip]
>>>> Is the default disable-timeout-in-minutes really 31 or is it
>>>> "session idle timeout"+1?
>>> Default is 31. disable-timeout-in-minutes CDATA "31"
>> What will happen if the user changes the "session idle timeout" to be
>> a value like 60, after they have created their lbxml and used it to
>> configure their LB?
> This change will appear in lbxml, if they re-export again.

Is there any interaction between the value of
"disable-timeout-in-seconds" in the lbxml and the session-timeout
element of a load balanced web app?

Say I have a shopping cart that has a 60 minute session-timeout,
deployed to an instance that is sitting behind an LB with a 31

Will the app behave the way I expect?
>>>> Is the user required to execute disable-http-lb-server before they
>>>> can execute delete-http-lb-ref? The document strongly implies that
>>>> the user must do one then the other? Why is that? Why can't we
>>>> give the user a SINGLE command to delete the ref? [That command
>>>> may perform a disable "under the covers"]
> As of now yes. please see my answers above. will look into this.
>>> We prefer do it explicitly on command and not to do "under the covers".
>> Why should we want to force the user to enter two commands instead of
>> one???
> User has both the choices
> 1). use one command configure-http-lb-config
> 2). or multiple commands create-http-lb-config, create-http-lb-ref etc.

Huh... I thought we were talking about disable and delete....
>> I realize there are cases, like rolling upgrades, where the user
>> needs to do an explicit disable....
> yes.
>> That implies that we must have a disable command... But it doesn't
>> imply that a user must disable, before they delete...
> I will check with Prashant to see if we can provide this.


>>> Unless we hear lot of complaints from users that do it "under the
>>> covers".
>>>> Is there a way to enable all the servers in a config with just one
>>>> command? Something like:
>>>> asadmin enable-http-lb-servers <config object name>
>>>> or
>>>> asadmin enable-http-lb-server -config <config object name>
>>> Yes, during asadmin create-http-lb-ref --lbenableallinstances
>>> --config config_name target and asadmin create-http-lb-ref.
>> I am lost here...
>> Say I have an http-lb-config (Z) with 3 instances or clusters (a, b,
>> c) already created...
>> How would I use create-http-lb-ref to enable them all at one time?
>> Is there an example someplace?
> I guess it will be more clear, when documentation for all these new
> options is available. Right now there is no 9.0 EE documentation for
> LB admin. I have only CLI commands.
> Simple answer to question is that no we do not support dealing with
> multiple cluster at once at this point. one cluster at a time.

I think this design choice needs to be re-examined.

>>>> It seems like the only way to do this today is to enter an
>>>> enable-http-lb-server command for each server or cluster that may
>>>> be in the config... That seems like it would be error prone...
>>>> (people forgetting to enable an instance or cluster)...
>>>> The same comment would apply to disable.
> Better to make people enable the instances, rather than exposing any
> un-intended applications to LB by default. Since we automatically add
> applications to LB. The least can do is enable them. Please see my
> below comments.
>>>> I have a similar question/suggestion for applications as the one I
>>>> just made for servers...
>>>> It looks like enable-http-lb-application implies a
>>>> create-http-lb-application operation (adds a web-module entry into
>>>> the http-lb-config...). How do I delete a web-module entry from an
>>>> http-lb-config? Is there a remove-http-lb-application command that
>>>> I missed?
> Sorry. I missed these questions.
> There is no such thing. User does not have to enlist the applications
> in the load balancers. Once user adds a cluster to LB, LB admin code
> figures out which applications are deployed on that cluster and adds
> those to LB. Similarly once an application un-deployed from a
> cluster, it is also removed from those load balancers.

Okay... so deploying/undeploying applications will modify the

Is there some code int the undeploy command to stop someone from
undeploying a deployed lb'ed app? Or is that unneeded?
>>>> What command is used to set/change the attributes of a web-module
>>>> element?
> This will be clear, once we talk about which element maps which
> commands or where that information is obtained from. For example:
> <!ELEMENT web-module (idempotent-url-pattern*)>
> <!ATTLIST web-module context-root CDATA #REQUIRED -->
> comes from domain.xml ( context-root in web-module element for stand
> alone modules, for an application it comes from descriptor)
> enabled %boolean;
> "true" --> asadmin
> http-lb-enable-application
> disable-timeout-in-minutes CDATA
> "31" --> asadmin http-disable-http-application
> --timeout (you can only modify during disable, because that is when
> this is useful)
> error-url CDATA "" >
> --> existing bug to fix this

>> [snip]
>>> These 2 properties are global to loadbalancer, not specific to a
>>> particular health-checker.
>> Which is why they are documented in the section discussing the
>> health-checker element?
> Added to doc-improvement bug.
> Thanks again for all the input.
> We pushed in the past to do doc campaign to collect use cases and
> review from the users/community. It would be nice if our external
> users review these and give us comments. That would also dramatically
> improve our document and make them very user friendly.

