Re: HEADSUP - need decision on which GF build to use for testing

From: Tom Amiro - WST <Tom.Amiro_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:20:19 -0400


Thanks for raising this issue. I'm copying glassfish dev, because I
think our decision
greatly depends on which version the Glassfish team going forward is
going to
encourage developers to use as the default platform.


Martin Matula wrote:

> GF b14 has been promoted - this is the build we will do the milestone
> testing with. However the default version linked from the download
> page ( is "EE",
> not "PE". We found out the same was true for the GF 2 Milestone 1
> build already.
> PE edition that we used to be testing with is also accessible, but
> from
> We need to decide by COB today whether we should test with the PE
> (more preferable for QA to minimize the risks of regressions caused by
> GF bugs), or EE (the default edition available to users). See the
> thread below for more discussion.
> Martin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: [Fwd: glassfish v2 build b14 has been promoted]
> From:
> Martin Matula <Martin.Matula_at_Sun.COM>
> Date:
> Fri, 25 Aug 2006 19:51:03 +0200
> To:
> Tom Amiro <Tom.Amiro_at_Sun.COM>
> To:
> Tom Amiro <Tom.Amiro_at_Sun.COM>
> CC:
> Deepak V R <Deepak.Vr_at_Sun.COM>,
> I don't think it is acceptable to point users to the page Deepak
> mentioned. We would need to create a page similar to
> pointing to the
> PE builds for all platforms and containing installation instructions.
> Is that really what we want to do? The last promotion ran on GF 2 EE
> (Milestone 1) already and we noticed no regression.
> Martin
> Tom Amiro wrote:
>> Deepak and Martin,
>> On the page Deepak lists, both EE and PE versions are available. So I
>> still say we should
>> go with the PE version. Switching to the EE version to which
>> clustering was recently added
>> is asking for trouble.
>> Tom
>> Deepak V R wrote:
>>> Martin,
>>> Actually, glassfish promotion mailer is not giving enough
>>> information. If you go to [1] your find jars they mention in the
>>> promotion email. They should point to this link in the promotion
>>> email. And we must also mention it in our milestone page.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Deepak
>>> [1]
>>> Martin Matula wrote:
>>>> Tom,
>>>> users do not have access to javaweb.sfbay - they have access only
>>>> to If I go there, the only download I see
>>>> seems to be the ee download (without "pe" in the name). So, I don't
>>>> think we should be using "pe".
>>>> Martin
>>>> Tom Amiro wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Want to make sure everyone see this.
>>>>> I think we should be using the PE version
>>>>> PE without Clustering:
>>>>> glassfish-image-pe-v2-b14.jar
>>>>> glassfish-pe-installer-v2-b14.jar
>>>>> Tom