vince kraemer wrote:
> satish viswanatham wrote:
>> vince kraemer wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Do you have a set of use-cases for the features of the lb plugin?
>>> Is there a dtd/schema for the loadbalancer.xml file?
>> Yes. it is at $AS-INSTALLlib/lbplugin/lib/dtds
> I can see why you want to automate the generation of the
> loadbalancer.xml...
> Possible bad attribute name or a doc error:
> disable-timeout-in-minutes... The doc says seconds.... (see lines 39
> and 40 of
Filed a bug. bug# 6463768.
>>> Is there any kind of map between the elements of the lbxml and the
>>> asadmin commands that manipulate the object created by the
>>> create-http-lb-config command?
>> I can write a short blog about that, but we have descriptions and all
>> the use cases and commands are described at
> What command would be used to change the
> response-timeout/HTTPS-routing/reload-interval/monitor/routecookie of
> an established http-lb-config object?
Dotted name command. Hanan, we should document this use case too.
> It seems like routecookie is not documented correctly....
> What happens if I use delete-http-lb-config, but do not delete the
> loadbalancer.xml file from the machine that has the lb installed?
It is not supposed to delete the lb file. delete-http-lb-config only
removes the config object on DAS.
> Why does the user need to remove-http-lb-ref the instances and
> clusters BEFORE they can execute the delete-http-lb-config command?
> I have a real problem mapping create-http-lb-ref to content in the
> loadbalancer.xml....
Some of our users may also have the same problem of mapping the commands
to loadbalancer.xml. I will work with docs to document this more in
detail. Copying Hanan from docs.
> Consider a domain that has a stand-alone instance (sai1) and a cluster
> (c1) that consists of two clustered instances (ci1, ci2)....
> If I create an http-lb-config, without a target, I assume that I get
> something like:
> <loadbalancer/>
> [I would end up with some property elements IF I had given them as
> arguments to the create-http-lb-config command.... right?]
> So, when I create a ref to sai1 I think I end up with something like
> this....
> <loadbalancer>
> <cluster name="sai1"><instance name="sai1" enabled="false"
> listeners="http://sai1:8080"/></cluster>
> </loadbalancer>
> Which command allows me to set or change the policy attribute of the
> cluster element?
Policy support etc is added in 9.0, for example if you look at CLIs in
you will get an idea. I will post them on GlassFish soon.
create-http-lb-ref [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [-
-host localhost] [--port 4849] [--secure|-s=true] [--user admin_user]
dfile file_name] [--lbpolicy policy] [--lbpolicymodule path-to-module]
checkerurl url] [--healthcheckerinterval interval-in-seconds]
meout timeout-in-seconds] [--lbenableallapplications]
[--lbenableallinstances] -
-config config_name target
> Which command allows me to set/change the listeners/weight attribute
> of the instance element? If I add a new http-listener to an instance,
> does that get added automatically to the config?
Yes, it is.
> Which command allows me to set/change the disable-timeout-in-minutes
> attribute of the instance element?
Hanan, we should also provide a link to syntax of LB related commands
from the following page:
> Is there a command/DD element that would change the "session idle
> timeout" that is referred to on line 45 of
> Is the default disable-timeout-in-minutes really 31 or is it "session
> idle timeout"+1?
Default is 31. disable-timeout-in-minutes CDATA "31"
> Is the user required to execute disable-http-lb-server before they
> can execute delete-http-lb-ref? The document strongly implies that
> the user must do one then the other? Why is that? Why can't we give
> the user a SINGLE command to delete the ref? [That command may
> perform a disable "under the covers"]
We prefer do it explicitly on command and not to do "under the covers".
Unless we hear lot of complaints from users that do it "under the covers".
> Is there a way to enable all the servers in a config with just one
> command? Something like:
> asadmin enable-http-lb-servers <config object name>
> or
> asadmin enable-http-lb-server -config <config object name>
Yes, during asadmin create-http-lb-ref --lbenableallinstances --config
config_name target and asadmin create-http-lb-ref.
> It seems like the only way to do this today is to enter an
> enable-http-lb-server command for each server or cluster that may be
> in the config... That seems like it would be error prone... (people
> forgetting to enable an instance or cluster)...
> The same comment would apply to disable.
> I have a similar question/suggestion for applications as the one I
> just made for servers...
> It looks like enable-http-lb-application implies a
> create-http-lb-application operation (adds a web-module entry into the
> http-lb-config...). How do I delete a web-module entry from an
> http-lb-config? Is there a remove-http-lb-application command that I
> missed?
> What command is used to set/change the attributes of a web-module
> element?
> What happens if the user undeploys an app that is enabled for load
> balancing?
This is an existing RFE (# 6463784)
> How do I change the value of the properties that were used/defaulted
> when I created a health-checker?
Using the dotted name commands. Hanan, we should include this in the docs.
> It looks like the health-checker has additional properties, like
> active-healthcheck-enabled that are set via the property sub-element
> of loadbalancer... Why doesn't the health-checker element have a
> property sub-element for them?
These 2 properties are global to loadbalancer, not specific to a
particular health-checker.
> I hope these questions and comments contribute to the development of a
> better user experience for folks that need to create production sites
> on Glassfish v2.
Yes. Thanks for doing this. I am constantly looking for people to review
the feature set for completeness, correctness, user friendly-ness and
also the docs. I will also include the FAQ, that I am writing.
> vbk
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