Re: *early* draft of Principles of Project GlassFish...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 17:44:34 -0700

What is "Mom and Apple Pie" for one group may not be for another :-)

Right now I'm using these in conversations with other groups inside Sun
that are creating middleware open-source communities (OpenDS, OpenESB,
OpenSSO, etc...).

Eventually I would like to use these to start drafting some detailed
draft for governance...

        - eduard/o

Jim Driscoll wrote:
> This seems Mom and Apple Pie - I don't really have anything to add to
> the document (but wanted to register my approval).
> Next steps?
> Jim
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> I have written down an early draft of Principles for Project
>> GlassFish. See:
>> Comments via comments on blog, comments on Wiki page, or in this mail
>> thread.
>> - eduard/o
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