Re: Upgrade from glassfish to glassfish

From: ludo <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:36:24 -0700

Rajiv Mordani wrote:
> Thanks Shreedhar. In my opinion if one has a running domain it should
> continue to run as is when we move to
> a newer version of glassfish, specially if it is just a bug fix
> release. I am not advocating build to build updates but atleast
> have the ability to update from say the fcs build of glassfish v1 to
> the fcs build of glassfish v1 ur1. Build to build
> would be a nice to have. I think we should definitely look at an
> upgrade story for glassfish.
> - Rajiv

One thing we could consider in the future is to put the default domains/
location outside the installation directory of the server.
These domains are really parts of "My Documents" or my user directory.
So by installing a new server (or upgrading the bits), the domains area
would stay intact.
Then the task of being able to understand or and migrate this domains
area would be done at server start-up time: a server version should know
the domain version and do the appropriate upgrade, or tell the user that
this domain is *not* compatible with this server version.

Netbeans has similar concept with a NetBeans user dir (IDE settings), as
well as Eclipse (called workspace).
Do you store your OpenOffice or MSDTOffice documents in the installation
directory? Not me.
