Re: FYI : Change to JAXWS in GlassFish-V2

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 14:07:35 -0700

Please do not edit domain.xml by hand as far
as possible because it is error prone.
Whatever has been said below can
be well taken care of by the Admin CLI (asadmin)
and Admin GUI Console.

Also, the way this is done, it will be affecting
the clustered instances as well. So, it is likely
that you will get confused by multiple occurrences
of java-config.

Use tools.


Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
> Hello,
> Effective 15 Aug, 2006, the Glassfish-v2 nightly builds will use the
> JAXWS2.0.1 implementation as the default JAXWS implementation (used for
> webservices). Please note that JAXWS2.0.1 is not yet of FCS quality and
> there may be bugs. We have completed some amount of testing and we are
> currently in the process of going through the complete test cycle. Your
> help in finding / fixing bugs is most welcome.
> Till JAXWS2.0.1 implementation stabilizes a bit more, we are making the
> JAXWS2.0 implementation (that went in GlassFish-v1-FCS) available in
> GlassFish-v2 builds. If you are using Glassfish-v2 and the bugs in
> JAXWS2.0.1 is a show stopper for you, you can switch back to JAXWS2.0 by
> doing this :
> 1. Stop domain (asadmin stop-domain)
> 2. Open ${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml in a text
> editor
> 3. Search for the java-config element
> 4. Remove the entry
> classpath-prefix="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/jaxws-update.jar" that
> is part of the java-config element
> 5. Remove the entry
> <jvm-options>-Dcom.sun.enterprise.websvc.useJAXWSRearch=true</jvm-options>
> 6. Save the domain.xml
> 7. Start the domain
> Please use the glassfish mailing lists and issue tracker to communicate
> issues and bugs.
> Once we complete testing of jaxws2.0.1, we will remove JAXWS2.0
> implementation completely from GlassFish-v2 and duly inform the
> community.
> For more information on what has changed between JAXWS2.0 and JAXWS
> 2.0.1, please refer to
> Thanks
> Vijay
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