Re: Suggestions for improvements: AMX (sample code)

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:32:55 -0700


Source code for the samples was originally in the source base, but it
was moved because it is not part of Glassfish itself. There have
been some growing pains as the source was moved to a public repository.

I will correct the AMX page to indicate where to find the samples
source code.

You do not need to check out all the source code to get the samples;
you can just do:

cvs update -d www/javaee5/amx

Lloyd Chambers
Sun AppServer team

On Jul 20, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>> Kohsuke,
>> The working assumption I’ve had is that developers working with
>> glassfish would as a matter of course check out the source code,
>> and therefore checking out www/javaee5/amx would not be an issue.
>> Perhaps that assumption is incorrect--
> Yeah, actually I do have a checked out copy of the workspace. I
> even did "find -name" on all admin modules, but I still
> couldn't find it. It somehow just didn't occur to me that I should
> search www.
>> Are you saying you have no need or reason to otherwise check out
>> the source code, and you just want to use the AMX APIs without
>> checking anything out (and instead downloading a zip file)?
> Your website did tell me that I can find AMX API jar from appserv-
> ext.jar in $GLASSFISH/lib, so that was no problem. What I couldn't
> figure out was where to find sample source files.
> BTW, I think it's too much to expect Glassfish users (that's the
> hat I am wearing right now) --- not developers ---- to have the
> complete source code checked out from the repository.
> I mean, if you think about it, do you download the whole JRL
> Mustang source code bundle when you only want to play with a Swing
> sample application?
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems