Very Important Question

From: Dyego Souza Dantas Leal <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 19:15:37 -0300

Hello !!!

I have a EJB Application on my GlassFish Server

In my client Swing i call the "TestSessionBean STATELESS" on Server...

The GlassFish creates to me a SessionBean and execute the operation :

for example

the Question is :

The GlassFish reuses this session bean to other app ( ex: second client
calling .ping() 10 seconds after me )
OR i need to mySessionRemote = null to releases the session on server.... ?

the session is "only for me" in instant of call .ping() and end

or is "locked to me" while mySessionRemote not set to nulll ?

Tnks in advance.