Re: GlassFish v1_ur1 Activities

From: Deepa Singh <Deepa.Singh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:35:02 -0700

Hi Carla,
Deployment will be done in phases. Phase-I will first synch up (first
time transfer) already files bugs/issues in BugTraq and Issuetracker.
Once that stablises, then we will have regular nightly transfers as part
of cron job

Here are some of the current features (& limitations) of the bridge

It runs as batch job (synchs up two systems in 24 hour period).
ChangeRequest refers to a bug filed in internal BugTraq system.

Issues Transferred into BugTraq will have following appearance

    * Short Description :
          o <IT XXX> ...
                + IT XXX denotes. IssueTracker, followed by 3 digit
Issue number
    * SubmittedBy:
    * BugTraq User: GLASSFISHBB
    * Hook1 field ="issue-tracker"
    * Hook2 field=:"actual issuetracker number"

ChangeRequest transferred over to IssueTracker will have following

    * <BTXXXXXX> ....
          o BTXXXXXXX denotes BugTraq, followed by 6 digit change
request number so that people who have access to internal BugTraq system
can take a look at it.
    * ReportedBy: gfbugbridge
    * gfbugbridge is a separate user id for under which this
bridge is run.
    * keyword: glassfish-bugbridge

Business Rules for Mapping IssueTracker and ChangeRequest

    * Bugs/Issues are automatically assigned engineers based on
engineer/categories mappings. Currently, only sun engineers and their user id's are mapped, but if it were to change later on to have
some external user owing a bug category., then it can be changed simply
by changing properties file
    * If non conformant subcategory exists, then default responsible
engineer is or gfbugbridge
    * Exclude private bugs by putting in hook9 field "nojdc" which means
that "no java developer connection.
    * Priorities are mapped as is.
          o Issuetracker priority and Bugtraq priorities are same
          o BugTraq Severity is currently same as original filed
IssueTracker's priority.
    * Synch up currently works in "broadcast mode" . If a original
issue/bugtraq changerequest is updated, then that corresponding state is
propagated to bridged changerequests/issuetracker.
    * Fixing code in bridge which will allow "back propagation" also,
which means that, if bridged changerequest/issuetracker is updated then
original filed issue/changerequest is updated as well.
    * ChangeRequests/Issue can be upgraded or downgraded , however in
case of collision (same bug is downgraded in bugtraq, but upgraded in
issuetracker,) then bugtraq state is determined to be final as this is
not a real time system
    * Currently corresponding H/w and Operating Systems are "All" for
IssueTracker and "generic" for bugtraq. A Detailed mapping of hardware
and operating systems between issuetracker and bugtraq is being worked on.

Known Limitations

    * Synch up currently works in "broadcast mode" . If a original
issue/bugtraq changerequest is updated, then that corresponding state is
propagated to bridged changerequests/issuetracker.
    * Fixing code in bridge which will allow "back propagation" also,
which means that, if bridged changerequest/issuetracker then original
filed issue/changerequest is also updated
    * Attachments are not carried over due to a bug in internal
webservices API, so only names will be displayed
    * Create SubCR for multiple releases for issues transferred in
bugster through bugbridge.

Carla Mott wrote:

> Hi Deepa,
> I hear that the bug bridge is ready for deployment. Do you have a
> timeline when that will happen? Will it be a phased approach?
> We need to have discussions so
> that users will know to expect to see alot more bugs in issue tracker
> all of a sudden if that is in fact true. Any limitations on the bug
> bridge
> when it mirrors bugs back and forth?
> Please provide more information so we know what to expect.
> Thanks,
> Carla
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> right, so the bug bride will help. All this bugs should be transfered
>> in Issue Tracker and we can then use a specific Issue Tracker query.
>> The bug bridge is ready so I think we should start experimenting that
>> solution and use IT facilities. I talked about it with Carla
>> yesterday and she said she would contact Deepah about the bug bridge.
>> Jerome
>> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>>> I agree. I think we should put it somewhere in
>>> Amy and/or Carla, could you help?
>>> - eduard/o
>>> vince kraemer wrote:
>>>> I just tried to read Jerome's message, using the archive reader...
>>>> It is very hard to read the table of proposed fixes.
>>>> See
>>>> I assume that a number of people will want a central reference that
>>>> is readable after they accidentally delete the e-mail message...
>>>> It looks like the mailing list archive will not "do".
>>>> vbk
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