Re: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:39:29 -0700

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote On 06/12/06 10:20,:

> I agree. I fixed the list in my blog over the weekend.
> Should there be a component for the EL by itself?

I agree with Kin-Man's comment that there should
be a separate artifact for the EL API only after the EL
has been assigned its own JSR and specification version

Until that time, the EL API will be available through the
JSP 2.1 artifacts (since the EL is officially part of JSP 2.1).


> Jan Luehe wrote:
> > "Add" and "Replace" in my comment were intended as corrections to
> Eduardo's
> > tally. I meant to say in addition to JSP 2.0, we've also pushed JSP
> 2.1,
> > and the
> > version of the Servlet API currently in the maven repository is
> 2.5, not
> > 2.4.
> >
> > Adding Servlet 2.4 has been on my list.
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