Re: JSF in Glassfish

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 11:10:23 -0700

See this following page to figure out what was integrated into GlassFish
so that you can find the source you are looking for.

There is a pointer to this page on the GlassFish site and I will try to
figure out how to make it more visible.


Ed Burns wrote:

>>>>>>On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 10:14:59 -0700 (PDT), Ed Smith <> said:
>ES> Where is JSF in the Glassfish source? I fetched
>ES> Glassfish from CVS; however, when I do a find for
>ES> simple things like, I get
>ES> nothing. (I do get the HTML documentation.) I am
>ES> looking for the implementation of the standard
>ES> components for JSF 1.2.
>JSF is done in a separate source repository,
> Please see the FAQ therein for
>access to the source.