Re: Problem looking up the LocalSession on JSF Validator...

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:51:20 -0700

Hi Dyego,

Dyego Souza Dantas Leal wrote On 06/05/06 11:58,:

> I have a JSF Custom Validator on my jsf project , and this project
> have a EJB project...
> I need to access a SessionBean with Local Inteface...
> But... the JSF Spect not inject if i try
> @EJB
> private MylittleLocal localBean;
> And the GlassFish not expose the LocalInterface in JNDI ( only remote
> as package.RemoteInterface )
> Exists way to access with LocalInterface this bean ?

Looks like you've filed this as

This issue was closed as invalid, because according to the JSF spec,
only managed beans, but not JSF validators are subject to dependency

