Re: Problem loading Entity from EJB

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 14:11:15 -0400

Dyego Souza Dantas Leal wrote:

> Kenneth Saks escreveu:
>> Are you sure your client's classpath contains all the necessary classes?
>> It looks like one of the classes needed to unmarshal the getTablea()
>> return value
>> is not being found in the client. --ken
> Yes , because i'm using a test inside NetBeans and run testSuite...
> the classes of project is inside this...

You might want to try running the test outside of NetBeans to see if you
get the same behavior.

>>> 27/06/2006 14:26:37
>>> read_value
>>> WARNING: "IOP00810257: (MARSHAL) Could not find class"
>>> org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: vmcid: SUN minor code: 257 completed: Maybe
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> dummy.myexample.session.interfaces.__TabelaCustaSessionRemote_Remote_DynamicStub.getTabela(
>>> at
>>> dummy.myexample.session.interfaces._TabelaCustaSessionRemote_Wrapper.getTabela(
>>> at
>>> dummy.myexample.session.TabelaCustaSessionBeanTest.testAddGetSetRemoveTabela(
>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>> at
>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>> at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>> at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
>>> at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
>>> at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
>>> at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
>>> at
>>> at
>>> addGetSetRemoveItem
>>> at
>>> at
>>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
>>> ... 33 more
>>> Any help ?
>>> The classes is:
>>> package dummy.myexample.entity;
>>> import dummy.compartilhado.ejb.interfaces.IdOfPojo;
>>> import dummy.compartilhado.ejbx.EscribaEntity;
>>> import java.util.Date;
>>> import java.util.HashSet;
>>> import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
>>> import javax.persistence.Column;
>>> import javax.persistence.Entity;
>>> import javax.persistence.FetchType;
>>> import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
>>> import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
>>> import javax.persistence.Id;
>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
>>> import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
>>> import javax.persistence.Table;
>>> import javax.persistence.Temporal;
>>> import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
>>> /**
>>> * Cadastro de Tabelas de Custas
>>> *
>>> * @author Dyego Souza Dantas Leal
>>> * @since 26/06/2006
>>> */
>>> @Entity
>>> @Table(name = "tabelacusta")
>>> @NamedQueries( {_at_NamedQuery(name = "Tabelacusta.findByTsId", query =
>>> "SELECT t FROM Tabelacusta t WHERE t.tsId = :tsId"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Tabelacusta.findByTsEscopo", query = "SELECT t
>>> FROM Tabelacusta t WHERE t.tsEscopo = :tsEscopo"), @NamedQuery(name
>>> = "Tabelacusta.findByTsTabela", query = "SELECT t FROM Tabelacusta t
>>> WHERE t.tsTabela = :tsTabela"), @NamedQuery(name =
>>> "Tabelacusta.findByTsvigenciaIni", query = "SELECT t FROM
>>> Tabelacusta t WHERE t.tsvigenciaIni = :tsvigenciaIni"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Tabelacusta.findByTsvigenciaFim", query =
>>> "SELECT t FROM Tabelacusta t WHERE t.tsvigenciaFim =
>>> :tsvigenciaFim"), @NamedQuery(name =
>>> "Tabelacusta.findByTscodigoContabil", query = "SELECT t FROM
>>> Tabelacusta t WHERE t.tscodigoContabil = :tscodigoContabil"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Tabelacusta.findByTsObs", query = "SELECT t FROM
>>> Tabelacusta t WHERE t.tsObs = :tsObs")})
>>> public class Tabelacusta extends EscribaEntity {
>>> @Id
>>> @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
>>> @Column(name = "ts_id", nullable = false)
>>> private Integer tsId;
>>> @Column(name = "ts_escopo", nullable = false)
>>> private String tsEscopo;
>>> @Column(name = "ts_tabela", nullable = false)
>>> private String tsTabela;
>>> @Column(name = "ts_vigenciaIni", nullable = false)
>>> @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE)
>>> private Date tsvigenciaIni;
>>> @Column(name = "ts_vigenciaFim", nullable = false)
>>> @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE)
>>> private Date tsvigenciaFim;
>>> @Column(name = "ts_codigoContabil", nullable = false)
>>> private String tscodigoContabil;
>>> @Column(name = "ts_obs", nullable = false)
>>> private String tsObs;
>>> @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
>>> mappedBy = "ittabelaCusta")
>>> private java.util.Set <dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta>
>>> itemtabelacusta = new
>>> HashSet<dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta>();
>>> /** Creates a new instance of Tabelacusta */
>>> public Tabelacusta() {
>>> }
>>> public Tabelacusta(Integer tsId) {
>>> this.tsId = tsId;
>>> }
>>> public void addItemtabelacusta(Itemtabelacusta vo) {
>>> vo.setIttabelaCusta(this);
>>> itemtabelacusta.add(vo);
>>> }
>>> public Tabelacusta(Integer tsId, String tsEscopo, String
>>> tsTabela, Date tsvigenciaIni, Date tsvigenciaFim, String
>>> tscodigoContabil, String tsObs) {
>>> this.tsId = tsId;
>>> this.tsEscopo = tsEscopo;
>>> this.tsTabela = tsTabela;
>>> this.tsvigenciaIni = tsvigenciaIni;
>>> this.tsvigenciaFim = tsvigenciaFim;
>>> this.tscodigoContabil = tscodigoContabil;
>>> this.tsObs = tsObs;
>>> }
>>> public Integer getTsId() {
>>> return this.tsId;
>>> }
>>> public void setTsId(Integer tsId) {
>>> this.tsId = tsId;
>>> }
>>> public String getTsEscopo() {
>>> return this.tsEscopo;
>>> }
>>> public void setTsEscopo(String tsEscopo) {
>>> this.tsEscopo = tsEscopo;
>>> }
>>> public String getTsTabela() {
>>> return this.tsTabela;
>>> }
>>> public void setTsTabela(String tsTabela) {
>>> this.tsTabela = tsTabela;
>>> }
>>> public Date getTsvigenciaIni() {
>>> return this.tsvigenciaIni;
>>> }
>>> public void setTsvigenciaIni(Date tsvigenciaIni) {
>>> this.tsvigenciaIni = tsvigenciaIni;
>>> }
>>> public Date getTsvigenciaFim() {
>>> return this.tsvigenciaFim;
>>> }
>>> public void setTsvigenciaFim(Date tsvigenciaFim) {
>>> this.tsvigenciaFim = tsvigenciaFim;
>>> }
>>> public String getTscodigoContabil() {
>>> return this.tscodigoContabil;
>>> }
>>> public void setTscodigoContabil(String tscodigoContabil) {
>>> this.tscodigoContabil = tscodigoContabil;
>>> }
>>> public String getTsObs() {
>>> return this.tsObs;
>>> }
>>> public void setTsObs(String tsObs) {
>>> this.tsObs = tsObs;
>>> }
>>> public java.util.Set <dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta>
>>> getItemtabelacusta() {
>>> return this.itemtabelacusta;
>>> }
>>> public void setItemtabelacusta(java.util.Set
>>> <dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta> itemtabelacusta) {
>>> this.itemtabelacusta = itemtabelacusta;
>>> }
>>> public int hashCode() {
>>> int hash = 0;
>>> hash += (this.tsId != null ? this.tsId.hashCode() : 0);
>>> return hash;
>>> }
>>> public boolean equals(Object object) {
>>> // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id
>>> fields are not set
>>> if (!(object instanceof Tabelacusta)) {
>>> return false;
>>> }
>>> Tabelacusta other = (Tabelacusta)object;
>>> if (this.tsId != other.tsId && (this.tsId == null ||
>>> !this.tsId.equals(other.tsId))) return false;
>>> return true;
>>> }
>>> public String toString() {
>>> return "dummy.myexample.entity.Tabelacusta[tsId=" + tsId + "]";
>>> }
>>> }
>>> package dummy.myexample.entity;
>>> import dummy.compartilhado.ejb.interfaces.IdOfPojo;
>>> import dummy.compartilhado.ejbx.EscribaEntity;
>>> import java.util.HashSet;
>>> import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
>>> import javax.persistence.Column;
>>> import javax.persistence.Entity;
>>> import javax.persistence.FetchType;
>>> import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
>>> import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
>>> import javax.persistence.Id;
>>> import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
>>> import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
>>> import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
>>> import javax.persistence.Table;
>>> @Entity
>>> @Table(name = "itemtabelacusta")
>>> @NamedQueries( {_at_NamedQuery(name = "Itemtabelacusta.findByItId",
>>> query = "SELECT i FROM Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itId = :itId"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Itemtabelacusta.findByItautoSugerir", query =
>>> "SELECT i FROM Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itautoSugerir =
>>> :itautoSugerir"), @NamedQuery(name =
>>> "Itemtabelacusta.findByItcodCusta", query = "SELECT i FROM
>>> Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itcodCusta = :itcodCusta"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Itemtabelacusta.findByItDescricao", query =
>>> "SELECT i FROM Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itDescricao =
>>> :itDescricao"), @NamedQuery(name =
>>> "Itemtabelacusta.findByItbaseMin", query = "SELECT i FROM
>>> Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itbaseMin = :itbaseMin"), @NamedQuery(name
>>> = "Itemtabelacusta.findByItbaseMax", query = "SELECT i FROM
>>> Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itbaseMax = :itbaseMax"), @NamedQuery(name
>>> = "Itemtabelacusta.findByItvalorMin", query = "SELECT i FROM
>>> Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itvalorMin = :itvalorMin"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Itemtabelacusta.findByItvalorMax", query =
>>> "SELECT i FROM Itemtabelacusta i WHERE i.itvalorMax = :itvalorMax")})
>>> public class Itemtabelacusta extends EscribaEntity {
>>> @Id
>>> @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
>>> @Column(name = "it_id", nullable = false)
>>> private Integer itId;
>>> @Column(name = "it_autoSugerir", nullable = false)
>>> private int itautoSugerir;
>>> @Column(name = "it_codCusta", nullable = false)
>>> private String itcodCusta;
>>> @Column(name = "it_descricao", nullable = false)
>>> private String itDescricao;
>>> @Column(name = "it_baseMin", nullable = false)
>>> private double itbaseMin;
>>> @Column(name = "it_baseMax", nullable = false)
>>> private double itbaseMax;
>>> @Column(name = "it_valorMin", nullable = false)
>>> private double itvalorMin;
>>> @Column(name = "it_valorMax", nullable = false)
>>> private double itvalorMax;
>>> @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER,cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
>>> mappedBy = "vtitemTabelaCusta")
>>> private java.util.Set <dummy.myexample.entity.Valortabelacusta>
>>> valortabelacusta = new
>>> HashSet<dummy.myexample.entity.Valortabelacusta>();
>>> @JoinColumn(name = "it_tabelaCusta")
>>> @ManyToOne
>>> private Tabelacusta ittabelaCusta;
>>> /** Creates a new instance of Itemtabelacusta */
>>> public Itemtabelacusta() {
>>> }
>>> public void addValorTabelaCusta(Valortabelacusta vo) {
>>> vo.setVtitemTabelaCusta(this);
>>> valortabelacusta.add(vo);
>>> } public Itemtabelacusta(Integer itId) {
>>> this.itId = itId;
>>> }
>>> public Itemtabelacusta(Integer itId, int itautoSugerir, String
>>> itcodCusta, String itDescricao, double itbaseMin, double itbaseMax,
>>> double itvalorMin, double itvalorMax) {
>>> this.itId = itId;
>>> this.itautoSugerir = itautoSugerir;
>>> this.itcodCusta = itcodCusta;
>>> this.itDescricao = itDescricao;
>>> this.itbaseMin = itbaseMin;
>>> this.itbaseMax = itbaseMax;
>>> this.itvalorMin = itvalorMin;
>>> this.itvalorMax = itvalorMax;
>>> }
>>> public Integer getItId() {
>>> return this.itId;
>>> }
>>> public void setItId(Integer itId) {
>>> this.itId = itId;
>>> }
>>> public int getItautoSugerir() {
>>> return this.itautoSugerir;
>>> }
>>> public void setItautoSugerir(int itautoSugerir) {
>>> this.itautoSugerir = itautoSugerir;
>>> }
>>> public String getItcodCusta() {
>>> return this.itcodCusta;
>>> }
>>> public void setItcodCusta(String itcodCusta) {
>>> this.itcodCusta = itcodCusta;
>>> }
>>> public String getItDescricao() {
>>> return this.itDescricao;
>>> }
>>> public void setItDescricao(String itDescricao) {
>>> this.itDescricao = itDescricao;
>>> }
>>> public double getItbaseMin() {
>>> return this.itbaseMin;
>>> }
>>> public void setItbaseMin(double itbaseMin) {
>>> this.itbaseMin = itbaseMin;
>>> }
>>> public double getItbaseMax() {
>>> return this.itbaseMax;
>>> }
>>> public void setItbaseMax(double itbaseMax) {
>>> this.itbaseMax = itbaseMax;
>>> }
>>> public double getItvalorMin() {
>>> return this.itvalorMin;
>>> }
>>> public void setItvalorMin(double itvalorMin) {
>>> this.itvalorMin = itvalorMin;
>>> }
>>> public double getItvalorMax() {
>>> return this.itvalorMax;
>>> }
>>> public void setItvalorMax(double itvalorMax) {
>>> this.itvalorMax = itvalorMax;
>>> }
>>> public java.util.Set <dummy.myexample.entity.Valortabelacusta>
>>> getValortabelacusta() {
>>> return this.valortabelacusta;
>>> }
>>> public void setValortabelacusta(java.util.Set
>>> <dummy.myexample.entity.Valortabelacusta> valortabelacusta) {
>>> this.valortabelacusta = valortabelacusta;
>>> }
>>> public Tabelacusta getIttabelaCusta() {
>>> return this.ittabelaCusta;
>>> }
>>> public void setIttabelaCusta(Tabelacusta ittabelaCusta) {
>>> this.ittabelaCusta = ittabelaCusta;
>>> }
>>> public int hashCode() {
>>> int hash = 0;
>>> hash += (this.itId != null ? this.itId.hashCode() : 0);
>>> return hash;
>>> }
>>> public boolean equals(Object object) {
>>> if (!(object instanceof Itemtabelacusta)) {
>>> return false;
>>> }
>>> Itemtabelacusta other = (Itemtabelacusta)object;
>>> if (this.itId != other.itId && (this.itId == null ||
>>> !this.itId.equals(other.itId))) return false;
>>> return true;
>>> }
>>> public String toString() {
>>> return "dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta[itId=" + itId
>>> + "]";
>>> }
>>> }
>>> /*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> * Created on 23 de Junho de 2006, 09:13
>>> *
>>> * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
>>> * and open the template in the editor.
>>> */
>>> package dummy.myexample.entity;
>>> import dummy.compartilhado.ejbx.EscribaEntity;
>>> import javax.persistence.Column;
>>> import javax.persistence.Entity;
>>> import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
>>> import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
>>> import javax.persistence.Id;
>>> import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
>>> import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
>>> import javax.persistence.Table;
>>> @Entity
>>> @Table(name = "valortabelacusta")
>>> @NamedQueries( {_at_NamedQuery(name = "Valortabelacusta.findByVtId",
>>> query = "SELECT v FROM Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtId = :vtId"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Valortabelacusta.findByVtPosicao", query =
>>> "SELECT v FROM Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtPosicao = :vtPosicao"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Valortabelacusta.findByVtValor", query = "SELECT
>>> v FROM Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtValor = :vtValor"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Valortabelacusta.findByVtnumViaGratuita", query
>>> = "SELECT v FROM Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtnumViaGratuita =
>>> :vtnumViaGratuita"), @NamedQuery(name =
>>> "Valortabelacusta.findByVtadicionalVia", query = "SELECT v FROM
>>> Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtadicionalVia = :vtadicionalVia"),
>>> @NamedQuery(name = "Valortabelacusta.findByVtvalorMin", query =
>>> "SELECT v FROM Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtvalorMin =
>>> :vtvalorMin"), @NamedQuery(name =
>>> "Valortabelacusta.findByVtvalorMax", query = "SELECT v FROM
>>> Valortabelacusta v WHERE v.vtvalorMax = :vtvalorMax")})
>>> public class Valortabelacusta extends EscribaEntity {
>>> @Id
>>> @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
>>> @Column(name = "vt_id", nullable = false)
>>> private Integer vtId;
>>> @Column(name = "vt_posicao", nullable = false)
>>> private int vtPosicao;
>>> @Column(name = "vt_valor", nullable = false)
>>> private String vtValor;
>>> @Column(name = "vt_numViaGratuita", nullable = false)
>>> private int vtnumViaGratuita;
>>> @Column(name = "vt_adicionalVia", nullable = false)
>>> private double vtadicionalVia;
>>> @Column(name = "vt_valorMin", nullable = false)
>>> private double vtvalorMin;
>>> @Column(name = "vt_valorMax", nullable = false)
>>> private double vtvalorMax;
>>> @JoinColumn(name = "vt_itemTabelaCusta")
>>> @ManyToOne
>>> private dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta vtitemTabelaCusta;
>>> /** Creates a new instance of Valortabelacusta */
>>> public Valortabelacusta() {
>>> }
>>> public Valortabelacusta(Integer vtId) {
>>> this.vtId = vtId;
>>> }
>>> public Valortabelacusta(Integer vtId, int vtPosicao, String
>>> vtValor, int vtnumViaGratuita, double vtadicionalVia, double
>>> vtvalorMin, double vtvalorMax) {
>>> this.vtId = vtId;
>>> this.vtPosicao = vtPosicao;
>>> this.vtValor = vtValor;
>>> this.vtnumViaGratuita = vtnumViaGratuita;
>>> this.vtadicionalVia = vtadicionalVia;
>>> this.vtvalorMin = vtvalorMin;
>>> this.vtvalorMax = vtvalorMax;
>>> }
>>> public Integer getVtId() {
>>> return this.vtId;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtId(Integer vtId) {
>>> this.vtId = vtId;
>>> }
>>> public int getVtPosicao() {
>>> return this.vtPosicao;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtPosicao(int vtPosicao) {
>>> this.vtPosicao = vtPosicao;
>>> }
>>> public String getVtValor() {
>>> return this.vtValor;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtValor(String vtValor) {
>>> this.vtValor = vtValor;
>>> }
>>> public int getVtnumViaGratuita() {
>>> return this.vtnumViaGratuita;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtnumViaGratuita(int vtnumViaGratuita) {
>>> this.vtnumViaGratuita = vtnumViaGratuita;
>>> }
>>> public double getVtadicionalVia() {
>>> return this.vtadicionalVia;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtadicionalVia(double vtadicionalVia) {
>>> this.vtadicionalVia = vtadicionalVia;
>>> }
>>> public double getVtvalorMin() {
>>> return this.vtvalorMin;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtvalorMin(double vtvalorMin) {
>>> this.vtvalorMin = vtvalorMin;
>>> }
>>> public double getVtvalorMax() {
>>> return this.vtvalorMax;
>>> }
>>> public void setVtvalorMax(double vtvalorMax) {
>>> this.vtvalorMax = vtvalorMax;
>>> }
>>> public dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta
>>> getVtitemTabelaCusta() {
>>> return this.vtitemTabelaCusta;
>>> }
>>> public void
>>> setVtitemTabelaCusta(dummy.myexample.entity.Itemtabelacusta
>>> vtitemTabelaCusta) {
>>> this.vtitemTabelaCusta = vtitemTabelaCusta;
>>> }
>>> public int hashCode() {
>>> int hash = 0;
>>> hash += (this.vtId != null ? this.vtId.hashCode() : 0);
>>> return hash;
>>> }
>>> public boolean equals(Object object) {
>>> // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id
>>> fields are not set
>>> if (!(object instanceof Valortabelacusta)) {
>>> return false;
>>> }
>>> Valortabelacusta other = (Valortabelacusta)object;
>>> if (this.vtId != other.vtId && (this.vtId == null ||
>>> !this.vtId.equals(other.vtId))) return false;
>>> return true;
>>> }
>>> public String toString() {
>>> return "dummy.myexample.entity.Valortabelacusta[vtId=" + vtId
>>> + "]";
>>> }
>>> }