Re: What is the default mapped-name, if any, for an MDB in EJB3?

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 12:27:50 -0400

Hi, Peter

>> So in your case, you would need to
>> 1. provide mapped-name through deployment descriptor (or mappedName
>> attribute within the @javax.ejb.MessageDriven annotation).
>> OR
>> 2. specify the global jndi-name in sun-ejb-jar.xml
>> Note: when both are present, the jndi-name in sun-ejb-jar.xml
>> overrides the value specified through mapped-name element (or the
>> mappedName attribute).
> Thanks for this information.
> I can work with this. I was hoping for a default name though :(
> I will have to generate a jndi-name for the NetBeans user in cases
> where they do not specify a mapped name in the MDB wizard.

How would you know what jndi name to generate? In the case when there
are multiple external jms resources, how do you determine which one is
the one you should use?


- Hong

> This is trivial, but if they later add a mapped name to the bean, it
> may cause a bit of runtime confusion since they will also have to
> manually delete the jndi-name we created for them. There is no easy
> way to inform them about this.

> I will file a bug against the verifier then since it should have
> flagged my lack of both mapped-name and jndi-name as an error.
> -Peter
>> You could look at this mdb dev test as an example:
>> Thanks,
>> - Hong
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