Hi Dibyendu,
You shouldn't need the 'mappedBy' as it is used to define the other side,
that is responsible for the FK updates.
But we most probably don't have such tests - our self-refs test are usually
1-M relationship, like Employee-Manager.
Dibyendu Majumdar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to implement a self referential many to many relationship.
> Is following code correct?
> @Entity
> public class Book {
> @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
> Long bookId;
> @Version
> Long version;
> @ManyToMany(mappedBy="linkedBooks")
> Collection<Book> linkedBooks;
> public Collection<Book> getLinkedBooks() {
> return linkedBooks;
> }
> public void setLinkedBooks(Collection<Book> linkedBooks) {
> this.linkedBooks = linkedBooks;
> }
> public Long getBookId() {
> return BookId;
> }
> public void setBookId(Long BookId) {
> this.BookId = BookId;
> }
> public Long getVersion() {
> return version;
> }
> public void setVersion(Long version) {
> this.version = version;
> }
> }
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