Re: how to write custom jacc provider for glassfish

From: Argyn <>
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 11:59:11 -0400


thank you for a reply.

On 5/1/06, Ron Monzillo <> wrote:
> your provider must follow the contract defined in the jsr 115
> specification, available at:
> We are about to publish a revision to the spec that includes the updates
> resulting from the 4
> maintenance reviews; that will occur in the next few days; prior to that
> you should be able to find
> the information you are looking for in the base document; while also
> consulting the MR change logs(s).

I read the spec a few times already. I'm going to read it again, of
course. I find it difficult to understand for "outsiders", those who
never done JACC before. If this JSR had sample code, it wouldn't hurt.

Actually, the goal of my project is to show how to integrate this
authorization engine as JACC provider, so it'll serve as a sample for
other developers.

> Note that none of the jsr 115 subcontracts covers principal to role
> mapping.
> If you want your provider to apply the principal-2-role mappings defined
> in glassfish,
> then you will have to use glassfish specific interfaces to acquire the
> mappings.

I figured that I'd need to write some container-specific code.
Perhaps, when I posted the question, I really meant to ask what are
the glassfish-specific steps I have to do in order to develop a JACC

> I hope this gives you a place to get started, and please feel free to
> ask more questions if you would like more help.

sure, i'll ask more questions if i make any more porgress :)

