Re: Debugger

From: Harpreet Singh <Harpreet.Singh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:02:50 -0700

I have been using Netbeans 4.1/5.0/5.5 quite successfully.
1. Modify glassfish domain.xml debug-enabled substring to set its value
to true. Start the server.
You can modify suspend=y if you want to debug the server startup.

> <java-config classpath-suffix="" *debug-enabled="true"*
> debug-options="-Xdebug
> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9009"
> env-classpath-ignored="true" java-home="${com.sun.aas.javaRoot}"
> javac-options="-g" rmic-options="-iiop -poa -alwaysgenerate
> -keepgenerated -g"
> system-classpath="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/appserv-launch.jar">

2. Checkout the module you will like to debug.
3. Open it as a project in Netbeans and put the break point wherever you
like it.
4. Attach the debugger (Run->Attach Debugger). Transport is dt_socket.
Give the host (server host) and port (from domain.xml, in this case 9009).

You are set!


Amy Roh wrote:

> Can anyone recommend debugger for GlassFish?
> Thanks,
> Amy
> Chris wrote:
>> Amy,
>> Do you have any documentation on attaching a debugger to the
>> GlassFish server itself, rather than the applications running on it?
>> I found a lot of documentation on how to attach to deployed
>> applications, but I want to attach to the actual server process and
>> see the server code as it executes - know what I mean?
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
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