Re: any thoughts on bug #6342808?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 18:34:42 -0700


Lloyd L Chambers wrote On 10/27/05 13:03,:
> Jan,
> 6342808 "JSR 77 specification violation when deploying sample app
> jndi-url.ear"
> Deploy sample application 'jndi-url.ear' (I used the GUI). Observe the
> following MBeans ("com.sun.appserv:" omitted for clarity):
> j2eeType=AppClientModule,name=jndi-urlClient.jar,J2EEServer=server,J2EEApplication=jndi-url,category=runtime
> j2eeType=EJBModule,name=jndi-urlEjb.jar,J2EEServer=server,J2EEApplication=jndi-url,category=runtime
> j2eeType=J2EEApplication,name=jndi-url,J2EEServer=server,category=runtime
> j2eeType=StatefulSessionBean,name=jndi-urlEJB,J2EEServer=server,J2EEApplication=jndi-url,EJBModule=jndi-urlEjb.jar,category=runtime
> j2eeType=WebModule,name=//server/jndi-url,J2EEServer=server,J2EEApplication=null
> PROBLEM: j2eeType=WebModule,name=//server/jndi-url has
> 'J2EEApplication=null'. According to the JSR 77 spec, it must have
> 'J2EEApplication=jndi-url'. Also, there is no 'category=runtime'
> property as with the other JSR 77 MBeans associated with this application.
> HOWEVER: Is this some kind of special case? The archive 'jndi-url.ear'
> doesn't contain any 'war' file. Is there some special case in which a
> WebModule is implicitly loaded?

The EAR in question contains a nested app client. As the app client
module is loaded, the web container registers an adhoc web module at a
specified context root (or leverages a web module that already exists
at that context root), along with a dedicated servlet that will handle
all Java Web Start related HTTP requests. I don't think it makes any
sense for the adhoc web module or its servlet to be managed via JMX. I
will therefore change the code so that no mbeans are registered when an
adhoc web module is started.



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