I am trying to take advantage of a new commons-logging API
available in the most recent commons-logging JAR (version 1.0.4)
that was staged yesterday.
I made the following change in my common-dependencies.mk:
Index: common-dependencies.mk
RCS file: /m/jws/bootstrap/common-dependencies.mk,v
retrieving revision 1.132
diff -u -r1.132 common-dependencies.mk
--- common-dependencies.mk 29 Jul 2005 02:12:13 -0000 1.132
+++ common-dependencies.mk 19 Aug 2005 16:47:40 -0000
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
binary_dependencies += commons-logging
commons_logging_rootdir = $(JWS_EXTERNAL_COMPONENTS_DIR)/jakarta-commons
commons_logging_dir = commons-logging
-commons_logging_version = 1.0.2
+commons_logging_version = 1.0.4
commons_logging_subdir= .
Still, when I bootstrap-all, I keep getting the older (1.0.2) version.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.