FYI : webservice binaries consolidation

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 09:48:06 -0700

FYI : I have just checked in the changes required to all build scripts
and glassfish script templates/code that will

1. reduce the number JWSDP specific binary dependencies and
2. consolidate various webservice related JARs
(glassfish.home/lib/jax*impl.jar, saaj-impl.jar, jaxws-impl.jar,
stax-impl.jar, xsdlib.jar, relaxngDatatype.jar etc etc) into a single

Also, you will not find jax*api.jar in glassfish.home/lib directory any
longer since they are all part of j2ee.jar anyway.

I have made the required changes to glassfish/appserv-tests module also
and QL tests are passing. Please update your glassfish/appserv-tests
workspace for a successful run.
