I see. Is there some way to avoid the pointless round-trip for the
usage info?
On 4/2/2011 7:02 AM, Tom Mueller wrote:
> The 1/2 second is about the time that it takes to run any remote
> command, even a command like version. What you are seeing is the time
> to start up a JVM, access all of the JARs, con act the server for the
> usage information, and then contact the server to actually do the command.
> If you want to speed up your tests that do lots of sets, pass in
> multiple attributes on a single command, i.e.
> asadmin set a=b c=d e=f
> In my get/set test, I pass in 20 at a time.
> Tom
> On Apr 2, 2011, at 2:07 AM, Byron Nevins <byron.nevins_at_oracle.com
> <mailto:byron.nevins_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
>> DevTests now writes time data to a file, timestamps.out. Every run.
>> It is currently extremely simple. An elapsed time, in ms, is spit
>> out each time an 'official' test is made (i.e. every call to the
>> method report). You can tail this file to track progress as well.
>> You get one line per test.
>> It's interesting that EVERY call to get or set costs about the same
>> ~~ 1/2 second +- 100 msec. This is incredibly slow!!! Get ought to
>> be much much faster than set -- yet isn't.
>> Sample output
>> 409ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::jpa]
>> 458ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::jvm]
>> 406ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::jvm]
>> 512ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::jvm]
>> 630ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::orb]
>> 412ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::orb]
>> 537ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::orb]
>> 559ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::security]
>> 494ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::security]
>> 402ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::security]
>> 473ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::thread-pool]
>> 521ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::thread-pool]
>> 405ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::thread-pool]
>> 426ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::transaction-service]
>> 494ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::transaction-service]
>> 630ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::transaction-service]
>> 436ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::web-container]
>> 404ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::web-container]
>> 432ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::web-container]
>> 530ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::das::web-services-container]
>> 611ms true
>> [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::mon-cluster::web-services-container]
>> 521ms true [EarlyJira::verifyMonOff::standalone::web-services-container]
>> 892ms true [EarlyJira::15203::verify special message all 3 --]
>> 28ms true [EarlyJira::15203::verify 3 only]
>> 565ms true [EarlyJira::15203::verify special message clustered-i1]
>> 479ms true [EarlyJira::15203::verify special message clustered-i2]
>> 457ms true [EarlyJira::15203::verify special message standalone-i3]
>> 5ms true [Enabler::Enabler says HELLLLLLOOOOO!!!]
>> 639ms true [Enabler::verify-main-flags server-dtrace-]
>> 402ms true [Enabler::verify-main-flags server-monitoring-]
>> 562ms true [Enabler::verify-main-flags server-mbean-]
>> 409ms true [Enabler::verify-main-flags standalone-i3-dtrace-]
>> 454ms true [Enabler::verify-main-flags standalone-i3-monitoring-]
>> 413ms true [Enabler::verify-main-flags standalone-i3-mbean-]
>> Note that I implemented the file writes in a super inefficient -- but
>> robust way. It works EXACTLY the same as the cli logfile writing...
>> If it slows down the tests too much it can be easily made more
>> efficient with 0.5-1.0 hours of work. I doubt that it will be an
>> issue -- it's not like a get or set call :-)
>> --
>> <oracle_sig_logo.gif> <http://www.oracle.com>
>> Byron Nevins | Principal MTS
>> Phone: +1 6503958992 <tel:+1%206503958992>
>> <green-for-email-sig_0.gif> <http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle
>> is committed to developing practices and products that help protect
>> the environment
Oracle <http://www.oracle.com>
Byron Nevins | Principal MTS
Phone: +1 6503958992 <tel:+1%206503958992>
Green Oracle <http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to
developing practices and products that help protect the environment