Hi Carla,
I've searched glassfish.zip on both machines, it was not found, so no
glassfish.zip was left behind, but the command without --archive - hand.
Thank you,
Carla Mott wrote:
> I have documented what I have tested on Windows on the following wiki
> page: http://wikis.sun.com/display/GlassFish/GlassFishProvisioning
> It seems that the default directory names have changed with Windows
> 7. There the home directory is /Users/<username> where previous
> versions of Windows it was /Documents and Settings/<username> So yes
> depending on which version you are on you will have different
> directories to deal with. I have been testing with Windows 7 and
> Windows XP machines and username is cmott and I have documented how
> things work and what the user needs to do.
> The environment on the remote machine must include Java bin dir in
> it's path. I think you are running into a bug that I think Yamini is
> fixing. If there is a failure during install-node (like the can't
> find the jar command failure) and the zip file is left behind then it
> will cause problems the next time install-node tries to zip the
> installation of glassfish. Look for the glassfish.zip file and remove
> it. That should fix your hang until the fix goes in.
> Carla
> Elena Asarina wrote:
>> Hi Yamini,
>> I don't think that you've used Win 2008. At least on Win 2008, if
>> ssh without password was preconfigured, then ssh home directory
>> became C:\cygwin\home\<user_name> and .ssh directory there. I've
>> copied .ssh to C:\Users\<user_name> because I dis not want to enter a
>> password. setup-ssh did not work without --instaldir. Following
>> your advice, I've added --installdir and --archive. Then I saw such
>> messages:
>> ===========================================================
>> C:\aroot\glassfish3\glassfish\bin>asadmin install-node --archive
>> C:\aroot\glassf
>> ish.zip --installdir C:\aroot\glassfish3 bigapp-oblade-2
>> Created installation zip C:\aroot\glassfish.zip
>> Successfully connected to aroot_at_bigapp-oblade-2 using keyfile
>> C:\Users\aroot\.ss
>> h\id_rsa
>> Copying C:\aroot\glassfish.zip (1030556413 bytes) to
>> bigapp-oblade-2:C:/aroot/gl
>> assfish3
>> Installing glassfish.zip into bigapp-oblade-2:C:/aroot/glassfish3
>> jar command failed while installing glassfish on host
>> bigapp-oblade-2. Command output bash: jar: command not found
>> Remote command output: bash: jar: command not found
>> Command install-node failed.
>> =========================================================
>> On the second machine I've added java bin directory in a path in the
>> user's environment, so when I've executed on second machine:
>> C:\cygwin\bin>which jar
>> /cygdrive/c/aroot/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/jar
>> But if to execute ssh bigapp-oblade-2 which jar, it will not find
>> jar, until a link to the jar will be created in C:\cygwin\bin
>> C:\cygwin\bin>ln -s /cygdrive/c/aroot/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/jar jar
>> Then with --installdir , with --archive and with jar link, setup-ssh
>> started to work.
>> C:\aroot\glassfish3\glassfish\bin>asadmin install-node --archive
>> C:\aroot\glassf
>> ish.zip --installdir C:\aroot bigapp-oblade-2
>> Created installation zip C:\aroot\glassfish.zip
>> Successfully connected to aroot_at_bigapp-oblade-2 using keyfile
>> C:\Users\aroot\.ss
>> h\id_rsa
>> Copying C:\aroot\glassfish.zip (1030556413 bytes) to
>> bigapp-oblade-2:C:/aroot
>> Installing glassfish.zip into bigapp-oblade-2:C:/aroot
>> Removing bigapp-oblade-2:C:/aroot/glassfish.zip
>> Fixing file permissions of all files under bigapp-oblade-2:C:/aroot/bin
>> Command install-node executed successfully.
>> =========================================
>> Also I want to mention that when an archive was creating, it takes
>> long time and was a full illusion that a command hung up, because
>> there were no messages for a long time.
>> Then I've tried with --installdir, but without --archive. I've
>> waited during 15 minutes and did not see any response. I don't know
>> is it really hung up or made an impression that it hung up.
>> Thank you,
>> Elena
>> Yamini K B wrote:
>>> Hi Elena,
>>> I generally follow the instructions on this page and have not run
>>> into any issues so far:
>>> http://wikis.sun.com/display/GlassFish/3.1SSH+-+Installing+Windows+Cygwin+sshd
>>> I'm able to run setup-ssh also without any issues. I have 2 windows
>>> machines with non-admin user and cygwin installed. Just to show you,
>>> I deleted the .ssh folder under windows user home as well as cygwin
>>> user home on both machines:
>>> $ ./asadmin.bat setup-ssh --sshuser Yamini
>>> SSH key not found for user Yamini
>>> Would you like to generate a SSH key pair (without a key passphrase)
>>> for Yamini
>>> to access []? [y/n]: y
>>> Enter SSH password for Yamini_at_10.12.152.46>
>>> Created directory C:\Documents and Settings\Yamini\.ssh
>>> ssh-keygen successfully generated the identification C:\Documents
>>> and Settings\Y
>>> amini\.ssh\id_rsa
>>> Copied keyfile C:\Documents and Settings\Yamini\.ssh\id_rsa.pub to
>>> Yamini_at_10.12.
>>> 152.46
>>> Successfully connected to Yamini_at_10.12.152.46 using keyfile
>>> C:\Documents and Set
>>> tings\Yamini\.ssh\id_rsa
>>> Command setup-ssh executed successfully.
>>> Yamini_at_crux /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>> $ ssh Yamini_at_10.12.152.46 ls
>>> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
>>> established.
>>> RSA key fingerprint is 1b:41:35:ec:55:fc:3b:15:91:51:9f:24:e6:eb:9d:43.
>>> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
>>> Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known
>>> hosts.
>>> Yamini_at_10.12.152.46's password:
>>> Yamini_at_crux /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>> $ pwd
>>> /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>> Yamini_at_crux /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>> $ ls ~/.ssh
>>> known_hosts
>>> Yamini_at_crux /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>> $ cp /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/Yamini/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh
>>> Yamini_at_crux /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>> $ ssh Yamini_at_10.12.152.46 ls
>>> gf
>>> setup-ssh will generate the key pair under windows user home since
>>> it is not aware of cygwin home. Hence, I manually copy the key to
>>> the cygwin home folder. You can also see that setup-ssh was able to
>>> verify the connection and also the the last command above succeeds
>>> with key auth. On remote host, I didn't do any manual step.
>>> Regards,
>>> -Yamini
>>> Yamini_at_crux /home/yamini/gf/glassfish3/glassfish/bin
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> I've tried to run many times ssh-host-setup not under Administrator
>>>> user, but under another user with administrator privileges. It
>>>> doesn't work. First passwd command doesn't allow to setup a
>>>> password. Second service creation always failed. But it works fine
>>>> under Administrator user, and then the created service is available
>>>> for other users. But anyway, if would C:\cygwin\home\<user_name>
>>>> directory would be created, it would not help setup-ssh, because
>>>> setup-ssh is looking for C:\home\<user_name> directory.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Elena
>>>> Joe Di Pol wrote:
>>>>> Elena,
>>>>> It is a prerequisite that the SSH account is configured for the
>>>>> user before you run setup-ssh. So you must have ssh working
>>>>> to the point where you can SSH into the system as the user you want
>>>>> (using username/password) before running setup-ssh. When setting
>>>>> up an account with the cygwin tool's the user's home directory
>>>>> should be created.
>>>>> Joe
>>>>> Elena Asarina wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I want to share my last experience with using setup-ssh command
>>>>>> on pure cygwin machines. In general, the command proved again
>>>>>> that it is useless. I've executed ssh-host-config under
>>>>>> Administrator user, because only under Administrator can be
>>>>>> executed passwd command and service can be created. Then I've
>>>>>> logged in as another user (aroot) , checked that ssh service
>>>>>> started and tried to configure ssh without password, using
>>>>>> setup-ssh. It failed immediately telling that a directory
>>>>>> /home/aroot doesn't exist. I've created C:\home\aroot (on both
>>>>>> machines), then was created C:\home\aroot\.ssh dir with
>>>>>> correspondent files, but connection - failed.
>>>>>> Then I've executed ssh-keygen, that command first reported that
>>>>>> /home/aroot doesn't exist. After that I understood that really
>>>>>> has to be used C:\cygwin\home\aroot dir, so I've created aroot
>>>>>> dir under C:\cygwin\home\, then ssh-keygen was executed
>>>>>> successfully and I was able to configure ssh without password,
>>>>>> using C:\cygwin\home\aroot\.ssh directories.
>>>>>> Bottom line, because ssh-host-config was executed under
>>>>>> Administrator, then only Administrator subdirectory was created
>>>>>> under C:\cygwin\home\, to be able to execute successfully
>>>>>> ssh-keygen I was need to create aroot dir manually, then
>>>>>> everything went smoothly. But setup-ssh tried to configure
>>>>>> everything under C:\home\aroot and it did not work.
>>>>>> I believe I had absolutely typical cygwin installation and
>>>>>> probable setup-ssh would work the same way for other cygwin users.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Elena