Re: exit_code: WARNING vs FAILURE

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 15:58:29 -0500

  Please see inline.

On 11/5/2010 3:43 PM, Anissa Lam wrote:
> I want to discuss the exit_code of ActionReport, WARNING vs FAILURE.
> Currently, I see that the exit_code is always set to FAILURE,
> regardless whether the command did what the user tries to do
It seems that you are making some assumptions about what the user really
wanted to do.
> eg. If i want to create an instance, with an existing node
> "dummyNode", the instance is created, but gives this message, with
> exit_code "FAILURE"
> "message":"*Successfully created instance XYZ in the DAS
> configuration*, but failed to create the instance files on node
> dummyNode (dummyHost).\n\nThis command requires connecting to host
> dummyHost using SSH to complete its operation, but it failed to
> connect:\n\n Command execution failed. There was a problem while
> connecting to dummyHost:22\n\nPlease verify you have SSH configured
> correctly on your system with the proper attributes set on node
> dummyNode. You may use update-node-ssh to modify these attributes. See
> the DAS log file for more information.\n\nTo complete this operation
> run the following command locally on host dummyHost from the GlassFish
> install location \/Users\/anilam\/Awork\/V3\/v3\/dist-gf:\n\n asadmin
> --host --port 4848 create-local-instance --node
> dummyNode XYZ",
> "command":"Error",
> *"exit_code":"FAILURE"*}
Here is the instance wasn't really created. The DAS configuration was
updated, but the file system was not created on the node. The command is
failing because it was unable to do the entire task.

> Or, If I want to create an instance, with a non-existing node, the
> instance cannot be created, (which is expected), and get the
> following message, again with an exit_code "FAILURE"
> "message":"There is no node named NO-SUCH in this domain.",
> "command":"Error",
> *"exit_code":"FAILURE"*}
> The same applies to delete-instance. Even though the instance is
> deleted, the exit_code will be set to "FAILURE" if there is any issue
> in the process.
Here the instance isn't really deleted, because the files are left
around on the remote node.
> message=*Successfully removed instance XYZ from the DAS
> configuration*, but failed to remove the instance files from node
> dummyNode (dummyHost).\n\nThis command requires connecting to host
> dummyHost using SSH to complete its operation, but it failed to
> connect:\n\n Command execution failed. There was a problem while
> connecting to dummyHost:22\n\nPlease verify you have SSH configured
> correctly on your system with the proper attributes set on node
> dummyNode. You may use update-node-ssh to modify these attributes. See
> the DAS log file for more information.\n\nTo complete this operation
> run the following command locally on host dummyHost from the GlassFish
> install location \/Users\/anilam\/Awork\/V3\/v3\/dist-gf:\n\n asadmin
> delete-local-instance --node dummyNode XYZ",
> "command":"Error",
> *"exit_code":"FAILURE"*
> Admin Console needs to handle things differently whether the actual
> intended action succeeded or not. We need to direct to different
> pages depending on the status. Also, once there is failure, we
> abort any remaining request to finish the task. With the current
> design, GUI cannot behave correctly.
> Can we change it, such that WARNING is given instead of FAILURE for
> situation where the main purpose of the command has succeeded ?
> Is this a bug or by design ?
It is by design that a command fails if it is not able to accomplish the
entire task, including creating or deleting files on the remote host.

What do you think about this?

The ActionReport can have a structure to it, with a main return code,
and then return code for various subtasks. We could modify select
commands so that the result of the various subtasks is returns in
ActionReport sub tasks.

If we were to do this, would you be able to get this detail through REST?
Specifically which commands would need to be changed?


> thanks
> Anissa.