That's exactly my plan
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 29, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Joe Di Pol <> wrote:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> This change addresses many of the issues below, but it seems like
>> it's working against 13593. Is that why you filed this:
>> Seems to me that the --force ought to be done *outside* the app server
>> process, so that we can kill it no matter what state it's in. But that
>> means lots of platform-dependent code. See for instance this blog:
> There's no "--force" for stop-local-instance is there? Seems
> like that would be a good place for this. It could try to
> stop the server gently, and if that didn't work shoot it.
> This would also give us the option to have stop-instance
> run "stop-local-instance --force" over SSH as a last resort
> for stubborn instances.
> Joe
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