There are explicit command and implicit commands. I guess when I run
an explicit command like deploy and my app can't be deployed to an
instance I would expect to see a warning. I know I'm deploying an app
and I've targeted the cluster so I know what the expected outcome is.
Then there are implicit commands - in this case I'm running the explicit
command to create an instance on a node. Unbeknownst to me an implicit
command is run which tries to talk to all the other instances. I don't
expect nor do I probably care if that happens or not. So the warning
creates confusion.
To create a more usable product maybe we should develop some heuristics
about when a warning is necessary and when it would just create confusion.
Tom Mueller wrote:
> On 10/29/2010 4:39 PM, Chris Kasso wrote:
>> But do I really want to see the warning? What am I supposed to do
>> when I see it?
>> If the system fixes itself later when the instance is started maybe
>> this message should only appear in a log file?
> This is the case with every "not replicated" message for any command.
> The system fixes itself when the instance is started.
> However, if the instance is really up, but you get the warning because
> the DAS can't communicate with it, then you might be interested in the
> warning.
> Tom
>> Chris
>> Tom Mueller wrote:
>>> Each instance in a cluster needs to know about every other instance
>>> (for GMS).
>>> So when an instance is created, the register-instance is replicated
>>> to all instances in the cluster.
>>> You should see the warning messages when you create a 50 instance
>>> cluster:
>>> Tom
>>> On 10/29/2010 4:22 PM, Chris Kasso wrote:
>>>> I've created a two node cluster where each node supports one instance.
>>>> On node1 I created instance: c1n1i1
>>>> When I create my second instance (c1n2i1) on node2 I see a warning:
>>>> ouch: ./asadmin create-instance --node node2 --cluster c1 c1n2i1
>>>> Command _create-instance-filesystem executed successfully.
>>>> Port Assignments for server instance c1n2i1:
>>>> The instance, c1n2i1, was created on host
>>>> WARNING : Instance c1n1i1 seems to be offline; Command was not
>>>> replicated to that instance
>>>> While this is only a warning I was still a bit confused by it. I was
>>>> expecting the create-instance to complete without error. A message
>>>> about not being able to replicate my create-instance command to my
>>>> first instance:
>>>> 1) Seems like it is coming out of left field.
>>>> 2) Makes little sense to me.
>>>> If I was deploying an app and that app could not be deployed to
>>>> my first instance I would expect a message like that but it is odd
>>>> to get it for create-instance.
>>>> What's purpose does the message serve?
>>>> Chris
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