Re: Cluster/Cluster Instance Deletion Issue

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:40:20 -0500

Sigh. After reading Tom's email, I took a good hard look at the test.
It's specifying what is clearly not a valid directory, and checking the
force box to force the node creation. I should have caught that last
(what can I say? It was almost midnight! :). I've fixed the test and
things are working as expected. Sorry for the noise.

On 10/28/10 10:36 AM, Joe Di Pol wrote:
> Jason Lee wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I get this in the Console when creating a new node:
>> Successfully created instance
>> testInstancea1d4e413a950dc3f0ac98c43d10b8b7383 in the DAS
>> configuration, but failed to create the instance files on node
>> testNodea23317ff406bbfdc536b1f372f3b9290c9 (localhost). Failed to
>> execute local command: asadmin is not executable! To complete this
>> operation run the following command locally on host localhost from
>> the GlassFish install location /InstallDir: asadmin --port 4848
>> create-local-instance --nodedir /NodeDir --node
>> testNodea23317ff406bbfdc536b1f37...
>> But asadmin IS executable:
>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 jasonlee staff 2262 Oct 27 14:58 ./bin/asadmin
>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 jasonlee staff 2332 Oct 27 14:58 ./glassfish/bin/asadmin
> Do a "list-nodes --long" and verify the host and installdir are
> what you expect.
> (And the message needs to be updated to give the path to asadmin is
> is trying to use).
>> It does seem to create the node (though I'm not sure if it's created
>> correctly), as the entry is made in domain.xml, but the call to the
>> REST layer fails with that error because something seems to be
>> returning a warning.
>> Does this look familiar to anyone?
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Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193