Re: delete a running instance

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 09:31:54 -0500

See issue 12771.

It's a bug that has already been filed.


On 7/30/2010 6:26 PM, Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried delete a running instance. The instance is deleted (ie,
> list-instances doesn't show this instance anymore). Yet, the
> process com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain for this
> instance is still running.
> Is this a bug ? or consider as user error ? Actually even if i
> follow the instruction, it keeps giving error.
> Here is what i see:
> ~ 29) jps -l
> 58032
> /Users/anilam/Awork/V3/v3/dist-gf/glassfish/bin/../modules/admin-cli.jar
> 58034 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain
> 58292 org.netbeans.Main
> 59043
> ~ 30) v3admin create-instance --node localhost myInstance
> Port Assignments for server instance myInstance:
> Command create-instance executed successfully.
> ~ 31) v3admin start-instance myInstance
> Command start-instance executed successfully.
> ~ 32) jps -l
> *59064 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain*
> 58032
> /Users/anilam/Awork/V3/v3/dist-gf/glassfish/bin/../modules/admin-cli.jar
> 59065
> 58034 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain
> 58292 org.netbeans.Main
> ~ 33) v3admin delete-instance myInstance
> remote failure: Command asadmin _delete-instance-filesystem on
> localhost returned a non-zero status
> Succesfully removed instance myInstance from the DAS configuration,
> but failed to remove the instance files. Please run:
> asadmin _delete-instance-filesystem myInstance
> on localhost to complete the transaction.
> Command delete-instance failed.
> ~ 34) v3admin _delete-instance-filesystem myInstance
> The instance is running. Stop it and then re-run the command.
> Command _delete-instance-filesystem failed.
> ~ 35) v3admin stop-instance myInstance
> remote failure: There is no instance named myInstance in this domain.
> Command stop-instance failed.
> ~ 36) v3admin list-instances
> Nothing to list.
> Command list-instances executed successfully.
> ~ 37) jps -l
> *59064 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain* <== process
> still lying around.
> 58032
> /Users/anilam/Awork/V3/v3/dist-gf/glassfish/bin/../modules/admin-cli.jar
> 58034 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain
> 59084
> 58292 org.netbeans.Main
> ~ 38)
> My ultimate question is: It it GUI's responsibility to stop a server
> before deleting it ? From the above observation, even if GUI call
> stop before delete, user is still going to see issue using CLI.
> Maybe backend should fix this.
> Is this a known issue or should i file a bug ?
> Anissa.