Can you fill in some details?
I gathered from the issues you references that there's some mismatch
between the CLI parameters for creating (?) virtual servers and thread
pools vs. the config API for those elements after they're created?
What exactly is the mismatch?
Jason Lee wrote on 08/10/2010 04:28 PM:
> In the issue tracker, there are currently two issues open (12710 and
> 12711) which are caused, ultimately, by a mismatch between the CLIs and
> the ConfigBeans that they ultimately manipulate. In the past, we've
> been able to circumvent this by using the alias attribute on @Param. In
> this case, though, there's just no @Param on the CLI to augment. The
> idea, then, in this case was to ADD the CLI params that matched the
> missing ConfigBean attributes, which would then allow us to interrogate
> the class for the data we need. The thinking was to address this issue
> as simply as possible now and find a more general solution later should
> the need arise.
> Today, though, I ran across a related issue while working on the JMS
> pages in the console. Most of the parameters on the CLI do not match
> exactly (case, etc) the attributes on the ConfigBean. In at least one
> case, though, our @Param.alias approach won't work, as the alias is
> already used. It seems, then, that the more general solution above
> needs to be found.
> From the console's perspective, if we were always to query the
> ConfigBean for attributes (name, type, default value, etc), things would
> be pretty simple. One problem, though, is that, for those instances
> where CLIs are wrapped and exposed, we have no way of getting the the
> CLI command to the ConfigBean. However, assuming we found or invented a
> way, we'd have the same mismatch problem above, but coming from a
> different direction: we'd have a list of attributes and values based
> off the ConfigBean, but there may not be CLI params to match them.
> I know it's a bit late in the game for doing major surgery, but we need
> to do something, though I'm not sure what. Anybody have a good
> suggestion? :)