Re: list-instances question

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 11:32:13 -0500

It seems to be working from the continuous build from this morning. Have
you updated your workspace lately?

Vijay is in the process of making some changes to list-instances to make
it more useful for REST and the console.


On 8/17/2010 10:34 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> Has list-instances changed recently? When I issue asadmin
> list-instances, i get this error:
> remote failure: java.lang.NullPointerException: null arguments
> null arguments
> Requesting help for the command shows this:
> list-instances [--verbose=false] [--timeoutmsec=2000]
> [--standaloneonly=false] [--nostatus=false] [whichtarget]
> I can't seem to pass a value for 'whichtarget' that it likes. This is
> affecting both REST and console.
> Any tips?