Re: InstanceState service : getting the state of an instance

From: Vijay Ramachandran <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 10:19:48 -0700

On 7/7/10 10:16 AM, Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Vijay,
> On 7/7/10 10:02 AM, Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>> For those CLI/module owners who want a way to get the state of an
>> instance at any time :
>> A new service, InstanceState, has been introduced. You can use this
>> by doing the following in your code :
>> @Inject InstanceState state;
>> As of now, this service interacts with the command replication
>> framework and, hence, the state of an instance changes from RUNNING
>> to RESTART_REQUIRED only. Soon this service will interact with GMS
>> subsystem and every other instance state change will be reflected.
> What are other state that will be returned besides RUNNING,

Currently the above + STARTING are the only states. I have not looked
into GMS stuff in detail as yet - more states may have to be added once
I get a better understanding of GMS sub system.

> Is this an enum ? where is this defined ?

Look at InstanceState.StateType

> thanks
> Anissa.
>> You may want to consider using this instead doing other forms of
>> pinging an instance (like doing uptime / version / locations command)
>> to see if an instance is alive.
>> Let me know if you have any feedback / comments / issues with this.
>> Vijay
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