Re: sequence of commands with no SSH

From: Lidia Marchioni <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:08:59 -0700

Joe Di Pol wrote:
> Lidai,
> Support for what you tried is not in B13. It went in on Tuesday.
> If you want to create an instance local to the DAS then you
> can use scenario 2. Just do:
> asadmin create-instance --node localhost i1
The above only works when using localhost for node. If I want to use
any other node name, then the above fails with:

asadmin --host asqe-xeon-1 --port 4849 create-instance --node asqe-xeon-1 sa_server1
remote failure: There is no node named asqe-xeon-1 in this domain.

and that's fine, since DAS wouldn't know where to create the node. The
create-local-instance command though, creates the node as expected -
thanks for pointing this out.

I have tried various sequences of commands, using machine name for node,
but so far nothing worked (details of scenarios below) - instance is
never started properly. It seems to always fail due to the following
error (from instance's server.log):

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Apache Felix Remote Shell [147] Listener.Acceptor::activate()|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| Address already in use|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| at Method)|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| at|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| at|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| at<init>(|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| at$|#]

[#|2010-07-30T15:40:16.864-0700|SEVERE|oracle-glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;| at|#]

Is this a known issue? Any workaround?

Here are the scenarios I tried, please let me know if any are invalid,
so I don't try them any more:

asadmin create-node-config
asadmin create-local-instance
asadmin start-instance
asadmin deploy
Application deployed successfully with name webapps-caching.
WARNING : Instance sa_server1 seems to be offline; Command was not
replicated to that instance

Instance did not start despite success message (logged a bug on this

asadmin create-node-config
asadmin create-instance
asadmin start-instance
asadmin deploy
Failed with:
Application deployed successfully with name webapps-caching.
WARNING : Instance sa_server1 seems to be offline; Command was not
replicated to that instance

The instance was not started despite success message.

asadmin create-node-config
asadmin create-instance
asadmin start-local-instance
Failed with:
CLI810 Synchronization with DAS failed and no local domain.xml,
can't start instance.
Command start-local-instance failed.

asadmin create-node-config
asadmin create-local-instance
asadmin start-local-instance
asadmin deploy
Fails with:

Application deployed successfully with name webapps-caching.
[2010-07-30T07:31:16.64] WARNING : Command _deploy did not complete successfully on server instance sa_server1 : Authentication failed for user: admin (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)

In this case instance did not start properly again (exception as noted
in the beginning of this email), hence the warning message above is
incorrect. Will log a bug on this.


> If you want an instance remote from the DAS without SSH
> then you can use scenario 3. Log into the remote system and do:
> asadmin --host dashost --port 4848 create-local-instance i2
> This will autocreate a node for you in the DAS config so you
> don't need to pre-create one.
> Does that help?
> Joe
> Lidia Marchioni wrote:
>> Hello Joe
>> Thank you for the pointer! My sequence is similar to 5, though I'm
>> just trying to create a standalone instance (no cluster). I'm trying
>> the following on promoted build b13:
>> # asadmin create-node-config lancer
>> Command create-node-config executed successfully.
>> # asadmin --host localhost --port 4848 create-local-instance --node
>> lancer in1
>> Attempting to rendezvous with DAS on host localhost port 4848
>> Uptime: 1 hours, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
>> The instance has rendezvoused with the DAS and will be using host
>> localhost port 4848 for future communication.
>> remote failure: Exception while adding the new configuration
>> org.jvnet.hk2.config.TransactionFailure: There is no hostname
>> specified for the instance in1. Each instance must have a node
>> reference which contains a hostnmae attribute. :
>> org.jvnet.hk2.config.TransactionFailure: There is no hostname
>> specified for the instance in1. Each instance must have a node
>> reference which contains a hostnmae attribute.
>> Command create-local-instance failed.
>> The domain.xml contains:
>> <nodes>
>> <node node-host="localhost" name="localhost"
>> install-dir="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}" />
>> <node name="lancer" />
>> </nodes>
>> I see that it is marked that scenario 5 will be available in MS4.
>> Does it include the above sequence (e.g. without a cluster)?
>> Thanks
>> Lidia
>> Joe Di Pol wrote:
>>> Lidia Marchioni wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> Where can I look up the sequence of commands needed to create nodes
>>>> and create/start instances on a local system as well as on a remote
>>>> machine *without* the use of SSH?
>>> See scenarios 2 and 3 (and 5 if you are running a build
>>> off the trunk).
>>> Joe
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Lidia
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