If this will be of help, for v2.x, the heartbeat address and heartbeat
port attributes were defined in sun domain dtd :
IIRC, the one pager for GMS config discusses the change in nomenclature
from heartbeat address to multicast address and heartbeat port to
multicast port. It was also discussed in an admin iteam meeting and
asarch review sometime back.
On 7/22/10 9:29 AM, Joseph Fialli wrote:
> On 7/21/10 10:59 PM, Nazrul Islam wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> Please confirm that v2.x has these two options in create-cluster
>> command:
>> --multicastaddress and --multicastport
> In v2.x, the values were called heartbeataddress and heartbeatport.
> We introduced multicastaddress and multicastport in v3.1, so they
> could not have been documented in v2.x.
> Now I must admit I can not find any v2.x documentation on
> --heartbeataddress and --heartbeatport. But past emails and
> current GFv3.1 Cluster.java led us to believe that they were
> valid options in v2.x.
> -Joe
>> Based on v2.1.1 documentation
>> <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/821-0179/create-cluster-1?l=en&a=view>,
>> it was not there. Is this a bug?
>> --
>> Nazrul Islam - (408) 276-6468 - Oracle
>> Jennifer Chou wrote:
>>> Thanks I have updated the spec with the usage. So
>>> --heartbeadaddress and --heartbeatport were options on
>>> create-cluster in v2.x?
>>> Usage: create-cluster
>>> [--config <config>]
>>> [--systemproperties (name=value)[:name=name]*]
>>> [--multicastport <multicastport>]
>>> [--multicastaddress <multicastaddress>]
>>> cluster_name
>>> You may want to add @Pattern(regexp= for the multicastaddress
>>> On 7/21/2010 1:00 PM, Joseph Fialli wrote:
>>>> Jennifer,
>>>> They should be documented.
>>>> --multicastaddress and --multicastport are used to broadcast
>>>> messages to all instances in the cluster.
>>>> GMS uses it to monitor health of instances in the cluster.
>>>> --multicastaddress is a renaming of undocumented v2.x
>>>> --heartbeataddress
>>>> It must be a valid multicast address in the range from
>>>> through,
>>>> When this parameter is not specified, the create-cluster command
>>>> generate a multicast address of "228.9.XX.YY" where XX and YY are
>>>> independent
>>>> values between 0..255.
>>>> --multicastport is a renaming of undocumented v2.1 --heartbeatport
>>>> Valid values are from 2048 to 32000. When this parameter is not
>>>> specified,
>>>> we generate a value between the valid ranges mentioned above.
>>>> For ease of use, these parameters being optional and generation of
>>>> these values is a good thing.
>>>> However, for an administrator, they would prefer to control this.
>>>> So it is best to document so it is easier for them to do it.
>>>> -Joe
>>>> On 7/20/10 11:08 PM, Jennifer Chou wrote:
>>>>> Hi Joe, Bobby,
>>>>> We're trying to finalize the usage of the commands in the design
>>>>> spec:
>>>>> http://wikis.sun.com/display/GlassFish/V3.1Clustering#V3.1Clustering-ClusterAdminCommands
>>>>> I wanted to verify if these options should be added for
>>>>> create-cluster in 3.1: --multicastport and --multicastaddress ?
>>>>> They are not in the v2.1.1 doc
>>>>> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/821-0179/create-cluster-1?l=en&a=view
>>>>> create-cluster:
>>>>> Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-cluster
>>>>> [--config <config>]
>>>>> [--properties <properties>] [--systemproperties
>>>>> <systemproperties>]
>>>>> [--multicastport <multicastport>]
>>>>> [--multicastaddress <multicastaddress>]
>>>>> [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]]
>>>>> cluster_name
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jennifer