Re: cli command ++

From: Carla Mott <>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 11:38:20 -0700

Yes, I think it will be helpful to have this on the wiki. I'll update it.


Bill Shannon wrote:
> Carla, maybe you can update Jerome's wiki page to add more explanatory
> text that would've helped you when you were trying to figure it out?
> Or maybe add your code as an example?
> Carla Mott wrote on 05/27/10 11:33 PM:
>> I'm replying to this since I have the command working now and thought I
>> would share what I learned. I have not checked in this code yet because
>> I need to clean this up, update my workspace and run tests but this does
>> work.
>> First the xml that I'm trying to create in domain.xml looks like:
>> <nodes>
>> <node name="node7" node-home="/export/glassfishv3" >
>> <ssh-connector ssh-port="22" />
>> </node>
>> </nodes>
>> The interesting part is I'm creating an element 'node' that has a
>> sub-element 'ssh-connector'
>> I create a class called Node that has the params and arguments that it
>> needs. I also want to add the sub-element and I do that by adding the
>> following:
>> @Element // no Params is speicified here and if you look at
>> know that it is a special case
>> List <SshConnector> getSshConnector();
>> I need an other class called SshConnector which will handle the
>> attributes for that sub-element. Finally I add a decorator to my Node
>> class which will create the sub-element ssh-connector. The code is
>> below. The decorator is called because in it is specified on the CRUD
>> command in my Nodes class. See Jerome's write up for details. The values
>> of the options for the command are automatically injected in the
>> decorator so you have access to what was on the commandline. There is a
>> 'createChild' method on the instance which creates the sub-element and
>> an 'add' method which allows you to update the values in the newly
>> created sub-element. When you do an 'add' it is written to domain.xml.
>> The code below needs to be cleaned up some but it shows how to get an
>> element created and add values to that element.
>> @Service
>> @Scoped(PerLookup.class)
>> class Decorator implements CreationDecorator<Node> {
>> @Param(name="sshport",optional=true)
>> String sshPort="22";
>> @Inject
>> Habitat habitat;
>> @Inject
>> ServerEnvironment env;
>> @Inject
>> Domain domain;
>> /**
>> * Decorates the newly CRUD created cluster configuration instance.
>> * tasks :
>> * - ensures that it references an existing configuration
>> * - creates a new config from the default-config if no config-ref
>> * was provided.
>> * - check for deprecated parameters.
>> *
>> * @param context administration command context
>> * @param instance newly created configuration element
>> * @throws TransactionFailure
>> * @throws PropertyVetoException
>> */
>> @Override
>> public void decorate(AdminCommandContext context, final Node instance)
>> throws TransactionFailure, PropertyVetoException {
>> Logger logger = LogDomains.getLogger(Node.class,
>> LogDomains.ADMIN_LOGGER);
>> LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings = new
>> LocalStringManagerImpl(Node.class);
>> SshConnector sshC = instance.createChild(SshConnector.class);
>> sshC.setsshPort(sshPort);
>> instance.getSshConnector().add(sshC);
>> }
>> }
>> Carla
>> Carla Mott wrote:
>>> I've looked at the wiki page and still have questions. First is about
>>> the general architecture for building the new elements. I know that I
>>> can create a class called Node and add information that I need for
>>> that element and it is created through the use of the CRUD API you
>>> have explained. Now I need to add a sub-element to the node element.
>>> In the Cluster example it looks like a new element is added but added
>>> to the config element not to the cluster element and the structure is
>>> actually copied from an existing element in the domain.xml.
>>> Also in the Cluster class I think it creates a sub-element
>>> systemproperties witout using the Decorator. So I think what I need to
>>> do to add the sub-element to the node element is the following in the
>>> Node class
>>> @Element
>>> @Param(name="ssh-connector", optional=true)
>>> List<SSHConnector> getSSHConnector();
>>> and create a class called SSHConnector which has the necessary params
>>> and attributes. What I did:
>>> @Configured
>>> @SuppressWarnings("unused")
>>> public interface SSHConnector extends ConfigBeanProxy, Injectable,
>>> Named, ReferenceContainer, RefContainer {
>>> /**
>>> * Sets the node name
>>> * @param value node name
>>> * @throws PropertyVetoException if a listener vetoes the change
>>> */
>>> @Param(name="port", primary = true)
>>> public void setPort(String value) throws PropertyVetoException;
>>> /**
>>> * points to a named host.
>>> *
>>> * @return a named host name
>>> */
>>> @Attribute
>>> String getNodeHome();
>>> /**
>>> * Sets the value of the name property.
>>> *
>>> * @param value allowed object is
>>> * {_at_link String }
>>> * @throws PropertyVetoException if a listener vetoes the change
>>> */
>>> @Param(name="nodehome", optional=true)
>>> void setNodeHome(String value) throws PropertyVetoException;
>>> }
>>> Unfortunately when I run the command now I get a NullPointerException
>>> and no stack trace.
>>> Is the decorator is used to validate what the user has passed to the
>>> command? Is it used to create the sub-elements to the current element?
>>> It's not clear what I should be doing. I guess I can get the Node
>>> class using the habitat and make that the parent of the element I'm
>>> creating in the Decorator but I don't see how to create that
>>> sub-element exactly. The example is copying an existing element so the
>>> structure is already created. I see a createChild method on the
>>> instance but not sure how if that is something I should use.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Carla
>>> Carla Mott wrote:
>>>> ok. I know that uses a decorator so I will look at that.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Carla
>>>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>> I am in the process of documenting all this, I will publish a wiki
>>>>> page tonight so you should look for answers there. I will send the
>>>>> link when it's ready.
>>>>> you will need a decorator since you want to add multiple elements in
>>>>> 1 command.
>>>>> On May 24, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Carla Mott wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm working on a command where I want the resulting xml in
>>>>>> domain.xml to look like:
>>>>>> <nodes>
>>>>>> <node name="ssh_node" host=""
>>>>>> glassfish-home="/export/gf">
>>>>>> <ssh-connector port="22">
>>>>>> <ssh-auth type="key" username="dipol" keyfile="~/.ssh/id_dsa" />
>>>>>> </ssh-connector>
>>>>>> </node>
>>>>>> </nodes>
>>>>>> I can create nodes and node element but now am trying to figure out
>>>>>> how to add the ssh-connector and ssh-auth elements. Is there an
>>>>>> example that I can look at? I know there are other pieces of code
>>>>>> that do this but I'm not sure which one to use a a model.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Carla
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