I am looking at the design spec of SSH Provisioning, section 9.0
where it gives a domain.xml snippet as an example:
<!-- An SSH node -->
<node name="ssh_node" nodehost="gf1.sfbay.sun.com" nodehome="/export/gf">
<ssh-connector port="22" sshnodehost="gf1.sfbay.sun.com">
<ssh-auth type="key" username="dipol" keyfile="~/.ssh/id_dsa" />
However, the current create-node-ssh command doesn't take in sshnodehost
nor ssh-auth type as valid option.
Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-node-ssh --nodehost
--nodehome <nodehome> [--sshport <sshport>] [--sshuser <sshuser>]
[--sshkeyfile <sshkeyfile>] [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]] name
Looking at config-api, I don't see the 'type' attribute for SshAuth.
But for ssh-connector, i did see SshHost as one of the attributes.
Is this a bug in the CLI for missing those options or the domain.xml
example is wrong ?