I took a first stab at creating the workspace for the clustering
devtests. Here is a wiki page that describes how to check out and run
the tests and how to add new tests.
I have updated the BasicClusteringPage
http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=3.1BasicClustering to add
this info in devtests section.
This is on the lines of webtier devtests . Right now there are basic
tests for the CRUD commands and am sure if needed we can extend this
framework further.
There is a top level build file and Readme in the workspace with
instructions etc.
Under admin there are older test folders like asant, debug, framework,
pe, offline-config. I dont think any of these are being used (timestamps
are of 2006 etc) can I just delete those or move them all in 2.x folder
so that no one gets confused with those tests?
Please review and give feedback or edit the wiki page.