Jason Lee wrote on 05/18/2010 06:49 PM:
> On 5/18/10 2:23 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> camelCaseName attribute? Looking forward to your writeup of the issues
>> and decision after our last meeting on this subject...
> Ask and ye shall receive:
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=3.1RestApiCamelCaseNames :)
Thank you!
95% of the time, aren't we going to see things like
@Param(name="optionname", camelCaseName="optionName")
Wouldn't it be better and simpler to have the command processing
code just convert all the names to all lower case, or just ignore
case when matching option names?
You have an example in 3.2 where the name and the camelCaseName
aren't the same (ignoring case). Is that really important?
A feature I intend to add for other reasons is an "alias" for
an option, e.g.,
@Param(name="node", alias="nodeagent")
Would that be sufficient for the few cases where more than one
name is needed for an option?