Re: create-local-instance basic functionality working

From: Jennifer Chou <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 20:28:56 +0100

>> I just tried this on the same machine:
>> 1. asadmin start-domain (start DAS)
>> 2. asadmin --host dasHost --port dasPort create-local-instance
>> instance1 (don't need to specify --host, --port if on the same machine;
>> use --cluster to join cluster)
>> 3. asadmin _synchronize-instance instance1
>> 4. asadmin start-local-instance instance1 (there's an exception in
>> server.log issue 11909 but I guess it can be ignored)
>> 5. copy das domain1\docroot\index.html to instance1\docroot
>> 6. Go to http://moonbeam:28080/ I can see the "server is now running"
>> page.
> The docroot directory didn't get copied by _synchronize-instance?
No, the index.html from docroot was not copied by _synchronize-instance