create-local-instance basic functionality working

From: Jennifer Chou <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 14:31:00 +0100

Hi Vijay,

create-local-instance should be operational now. I have checked-in a
fix this morning which will update the domain.xml on the separate host
machine. Operational meaning it will
1) create the domain.xml entries on the DAS host machine
2) create the following empty directory structure under nodeagents, plus
* || ---- agent
 * || ---- config
 * | ----
 * || ---- <server-instance-1>
 * ||---- config
 * ||---- applications
 * ||---- generated
 * ||---- lib
 * ||---- docroot

You will need to use --systemproperties for more than 1 instance to set
unique ports on the second instance, create-instance does not
automatically assign ports yet.

I just tried this on the same machine:
1. asadmin start-domain (start DAS)
2. asadmin --host dasHost --port dasPort create-local-instance
instance1 (don't need to specify --host, --port if on the same machine;
use --cluster to join cluster)
3. asadmin _synchronize-instance instance1
4. asadmin start-local-instance instance1 (there's an exception in
server.log issue 11909 but I guess it can be ignored)
5. copy das domain1\docroot\index.html to instance1\docroot
6. Go to http://moonbeam:28080/ I can see the "server is now running"

Let me know if create-local-instance is working as expected for you.

Remaining tasks:
- implement rendezvous with DAS and rendezvousOccurred property handling
- error validation
- implement savemasterpassword option
- system-property ports - automatically assigning unused port for
- implement agentproperties, agentport for
