Hi Tim,
I totally agree with your proposition. It will be easier for everyone to use
colon (':') instead of semi-colon (';'), it would avoid the use of quote for
the cli command options using versioning syntax.
I've tested it on my own, and its appear that one more change is needed in
the implementation because ApplicationRef reject the use of colon character
*There is a constraint on the ref attribute :*
- @Pattern(regexp="[\\p{L}\\p{N}_][\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_./;#]*")
- public String getRef();
*When testing with this pattern, I ran into an error :*
- $ asadmin deploy --name=foo:RC-1 foo_RC-1.war
- Error during deployment : org.jvnet.hk2.config.ValidationException:
Constraints for this bean violated.
- Message = ref must follow "[\p{L}\p{N}_][\p{L}\p{N}\-_./;#]*"
*I've tested to modify the pattern like this :*
- @Pattern(regexp="[\\p{L}\\p{N}_][\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_./;*:*#]*")
*Then the following command works :*
- $ asadmin deploy --name=foo:RC-1 foo_RC-1.war
Other than that I don't see any other disadvantages.
Best regards,
2010/4/27 Tim Quinn <tim.quinn_at_oracle.com>
> A possible enhancement for GlassFish 3.1 is to support application
> versioning (
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ApplicationVersioning).
> The proposal so far has used the semi-colon (';') as the separator between
> the application name and the version.
> We are considering changing this to the colon (':') which would give us two
> advantages:
> 1. It is much closer to the maven scheme which uses colons as separators in
> its coordinate strings.
> 2. Using the semi-colon would require users to enclose the name;version
> string in single quotes on some OS shells to prevent the shell from
> interpreting the semi-colon as a separator between two OS commands.
> Please let us know if you see other advantages or disadvantages of the
> change.
> - Tim