Re: REST API and Case Issues

From: Jerome Dochez <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:23:06 -0700


I think we need a meeting with Ludo, Bill, myself and you.

can you set one up for thursday morning ?

On Apr 19, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:

> Part of the problem here is that the asadmin command is expecting
> all lower case option names, so that's what the commands are declaring.
> It would be straightforward to have the commands declare the options
> using appropriate CamelCase names, and then map them to lower case for
> asadmin (or change asadmin to ignore case for option names), but it
> would be a *ton* of work because all the commands would need to be updated.
> Jason Lee wrote on 04/19/10 12:00 PM:
>> No, it was not. I'm in Santa Clara this week (I'll be camping out in
>> It's a Small World), so I'm going to try to get some of Jerome's time
>> while I'm here and get this nailed down.
>> On 4/19/10 11:52 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> This thread seems to have died out without a resolution. Was this
>>> resolved offline?
>>> Jason Lee wrote on 04/16/10 09:46 AM:
>>>> Perhaps a concrete example might help. Take this OPTIONS request for a
>>>> JDBC connection pool
>>>> $ curl -X OPTIONS
>>>> http://localhost:4848/management/domain/resources/jdbc-connection-pool
>>>> {"JdbcConnectionPool":
>>>> {
>>>> "Method":{
>>>> "Name":"POST",
>>>> "Message Parameters":{
>>>> "validationmethod":{"Acceptable
>>>> Values":"auto-commit,meta-data,table,custom-validation", "Default
>>>> Value":"", "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "leaktimeout":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "creationretryinterval":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "lazyconnectionassociation":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default
>>>> Value":"false", "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "allownoncomponentcallers":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default
>>>> Value":"false", "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "statementtimeout":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "datasourceclassname":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "id":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"", "Type":"string",
>>>> "Optional":"false"},
>>>> "maxpoolsize":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "steadypoolsize":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "description":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "wrapjdbcobjects":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"true",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "matchconnections":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"false",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "creationretryattempts":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "nontransactionalconnections":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default
>>>> Value":"false", "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "associatewiththread":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"false",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "sqltracelisteners":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "ping":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"false",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "maxconnectionusagecount":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "statementcachesize":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"0",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "isolationlevel":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "initsql":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"", "Type":"string",
>>>> "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "poolresize":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "driverclassname":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "maxwait":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"", "Type":"string",
>>>> "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "failconnection":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"false",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "idletimeout":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "property":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"", "Type":"string",
>>>> "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "isconnectvalidatereq":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"false",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "isisolationguaranteed":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"true",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "validateatmostonceperiod":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "validationclassname":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "validationtable":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"",
>>>> "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "pooling":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"true",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "leakreclaim":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"false",
>>>> "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "target":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default Value":"", "Type":"string",
>>>> "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "lazyconnectionenlistment":{"Acceptable Values":"", "Default
>>>> Value":"false", "Type":"boolean", "Optional":"true"},
>>>> "restype":{"Acceptable
>>>> Values":"javax.sql.DataSource,javax.sql.XADataSource,javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource,java.sql.Driver",
>>>> "Default Value":"", "Type":"string", "Optional":"true"}
>>>> }
>>>> },
>>>> "Method":{
>>>> "Name":"GET"
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Note that the keys for the message parameters for the POST method are
>>>> all lower case. In the console, we have markup in our pages that look
>>>> like this:
>>>> <sun:textField id="ds" styleClass="integer" columns="$int{10}"
>>>> text="#{pageSession.valueMap.SteadyPoolSize}" />
>>>> <sun:textField id="ds2" styleClass="integer" columns="$int{10}"
>>>> text="#{pageSession.valueMap.MaxPoolSize}" />
>>>> and so on.
>>>> Personally, I'd prefer we change the output of the REST API to preserve
>>>> the case of these attributes, as that requires far fewer changes on the
>>>> console (to be fair, I haven't yet an idea of the level of effort in
>>>> changing the REST side), and also makes stub generation (for Python or
>>>> Ruby, for example) a little nicer.
>>>> Any thoughts? We can't move forward with the console migration until
>>>> this issue is resolved.
>>>> On 4/15/10 3:47 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>> so the console is ignoring case while the REST API does not ?
>>>>> On Apr 15, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>>>>> On 4/14/10 5:24 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>>>> it depends on what ConfigBean these REST APIs are mapped to. For the
>>>>>>> most part the REST API to alter the ConfigBeans directly but there
>>>>>>> are cases (like deployment) where you don't want to just alter the
>>>>>>> configuration, you want to deploy so it makes more sense to redirect
>>>>>>> the REST APIs to a command class rather than changing the config
>>>>>>> bean directly.
>>>>>>> which ones were creating issue for you ?
>>>>>> Hrm. That's a good point. The resource in question, at the moment, is
>>>>>> JdbcConnectionPoolResource.
>>>>>> OK. So I understand the why of the command class, and that makes
>>>>>> sense. I still prefer, I think, to see mixed case on property names
>>>>>> returned by the REST API. Anyone have thoughts on that? Would it be
>>>>>> unwise to change what the REST API returns? Should be try to address
>>>>>> the case issue on the console side?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jason Lee
>>>>>> Senior Member of Technical Staff
>>>>>> GlassFish Administration Console
>>>>>> Oracle Corporation
>>>>>> Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964
>>>>>> Blog
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