Hi jel,
Thanks for your feedback. I'll address the parts related to
pkg(5) and Update Center. Others will address your comments
related to administration/asadmin.
The underlying packaging system used by GF is called the
Image Package System (IPS,
also known as pkg(5). It is the new packaging system for OpenSolaris
and likely future versions of Solaris. IPS is new technology
and is evolving fairly quickly - thus it has some rough edges. We
have ported it to other platforms including Windows, Linux and OS X.
GF has adopted its use in v3.
To your comments:
> (2) Install GF updates as root or privileged user (RBAC SW admin)
> using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
> Command:
> + $INSTALL_HOME/bin/pkg image-update
> Result:
> a) Wenn it runs, it should state
> - what stuff (module/package/etc.) gets downloaded
A useful feature I agree. Something like:
pkg image-update -v
pkg image-update -vn
to see which files would be updated without actually updating the files.
There are some existing (open) IPS issues requesting improvement in this
Using the CLI today there are a couple of options which help but doesn't
give you all the info you need:
pkg image-update -nv
will show the pkgs that will be updated.
You could then run:
pkg contents -r <fmri>
to see the files associate with the selected pkgs (to be updated).
For example:
% ./pkg contents -r pkg://dev.glassfish.org/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20100310T091127Z
But the files listed above are the files associated with the package. It
is not listing the subset of the pkgs that will actually be downloaded
and updated on the system. (That's one of the advantages of IPS. When
you perform an update of a package only the files which have changed are
downloaded to your system - so it can perform fairly efficient updates)
> - where this stuff gets stored (since it obviously gets never
> removed [what a pain] an admin needs to know, what a cron job
> needs to do, to keep the system clean and how to prevent
> blindly waisting backup ressources)
I think you are referring to the IPS cache which is maintained in
<INSTALL HOME>/.org.opensolaris,pkg/? In your install instance that would
be /opt/glassfish/v3/.org.opensolaris,pkg.
There are a couple of IPS issues related to this:
One option today is to modify the "flush-content-cache-on-success" setting
using the pkg set-property option. It currently is set to
false. The rationale for false is not strong and probably something
we should consider changing for layered distros like GF. If the value
of this property is true the cache is cleared after a successful
> - what gets replaced
> b) When it encounters a problem, it should clearly state, what the
> problem is - generic messages are usually not helpful!
> c) Installed/replaced files should have 'bin:bin' or 'root:sys'
> ownership (see (1))
The root:sys issue is caused by at least two independent issues. The
first is that some of the packages have incorrect manifest entries
for the file actions. For example if you look at the manifest for
the glassfish-common package...
...you will see various file actions have the owner attribute set to
'nobody' instead of root. (e.g. group=sys mode=0644 owner=nobody)
For packages in this situation the package publisher did not follow existing
best practices:
I also noticed that some owner/group attributes where ignored during the
GF install. In other words 'root:bin' was specified in the package manifest
but the package wasn't installed with those attributes. Why? I'm not
sure yet - I'm still investigating. If I uninstall the package and
reinstall it using the pkg CLI the owner/group are set correctly to
'root:sys'. There is a bug lurking here somewhere.
> D)
> 'pkg fix' seems to be pretty dumb. I can't see the need to download
> ~90MB (about 2500 files) just to fix permissions. Normal Solaris
> packages have a pkgmap file, which contains all required info.
> I guess, the GF packages have a similar file - so if the 'fix' doesn't
> trust it, wouldn't it be sufficient to download the "pkgmap", only?
I think the implementation of 'pkg fix' is a bit simplistic. As you
point out it should be able to do checking and fix package attrs
by only using the package's manifiest file. It should only need
to download the file if the hash values don't match.
> F)
> Either 'pkg list' or 'pkg image-update' is broken:
I vote it is confusing to users and needs to be improved. I thought
there was a pkg(5) issue opened against this but I could not find
Here's what is going on. Your GF install is configured with knowledge
of at least 5 package repositories. 'release.glassfish.sun.com' is
likely configured as the 'Preferred' repo.
This means that if a package, say 'felix', is published to the
preferred repo as well as versions in other repos, image-update's
will only pull from the preferred repo. Updates in other repos for
that package would be ignored (unless the repo is designated
as preferred) .
But 'pkg list -v' works a bit different than image-update. It shows
the state of an installed package as well as whether any updates for
that package may exist in any other repo (preferred or not). In the
case of the 'felix' package there are updates in non-preferred repos.
How do I know that? I use the -av option:
% ./pkg list -av felix
FMRI STATE UFIXpkg://dev.glassfish.org/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20100310T091127Z known ----pkg://dev.glassfish.sun.com/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20100310T091127Z known ----pkg:/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20091203T054540Z installed u---
(Note the 2010 timestamps in the other versions)
The output shows me the installed felix package as well as two newer
versions. One in the dev.glassfish.org repo and one in the
dev.glassfish.sun.com repo.
To update from one of the other repos I would need to change the
preferred repo for the gfv3 image or I could use a fully qualified
package name (FMRI) like so:
pkg install pkg://dev.glassfish.sun.com/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20100310T091127Z
this will update felix from the dev.glassfish.sun.com repo even though
the preferred repo is still release.glassfish.sun.com.
> + bin/pkg list -v | fgrep 'u--'
> pkg:/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20091203T054540Z installed u---
> pkg:/glassfish-appclient_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T061841Z installed u---
> pkg:/glassfish-cmp_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T060956Z installed u---
> pkg:/glassfish-common_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T062350Z installed u---
> pkg:/glassfish-common-full_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T060704Z installed u---
> ...
> but: + bin/pkg image-update -v
> Creating Plan / Before evaluation:
> After evaluation:
> Actuators:
> No updates available for this image.
> Strange, actually I have no clue, neither whether it is possible to
> update packages nor how to do it. Even when starting domain1 and
> registering the UI show 48 package updates available, but if one
> changes to the 'Available Updates' tab, after thinking "an hour" it
> displays an empty table.
> BTW: Wondering, what takes so much time to just display something:
> Is the dojo stuff so awefully slow (probably) or is it the package
> stuff, running behind it. My logik tells me, if I already have
> determined, that 48 packages need an update, I must also have all
> relevant package infos, which lead to that result. So why does it
> take centuries to get displayed - must be slow UI/dojo stuff ...
Hmm. Do you see this same delay when using the standalone updatetool GUI
to perform the update check?
From: Jens Elkner <jel_at_cs.uni-magdeburg.de>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 05:38:28 +0100
just trying to get started with GFv3/SGFv3-ES on Solaris 10+, but somehow
it gives me the impression, that at least the pkg stuff is pretty bogus
and nobody really tried to review the setup procedures wrt. to a real
Administrator's point of view, i.e. with security/SMF in mind.
So to make it a little bit more understandable and to be able to point
to the annoying stuff, here my idea of an "ideal" GF setup which lets
an admin feel to deal with regular, "no headaches creating" Software
(for less clutter/lazyness I use '+' below in place/as alias for pfexec,
which in turn assumes profiles=Primary Administrator/roles=root):
E.g. vars used for better understanding:
INSTALL_HOME = /opt/glassfish/v3
DATA_DIR = /var/data/gf3
AS_USER = webservd
DOMAIN = jforum
(1) Install GF software (SW) as root or privileged user (RBAC SW admin)
using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
+ sh /tmp/sges-v3-unix.sh -s -a /tmp/answer
Everything should be placed below $INSTALL_HOME with owner 'bin'
and group 'bin' or 'root:sys' ownership, so that no unprivileged
user is able to modify or manipulate the software/installation.
(2) Install GF updates as root or privileged user (RBAC SW admin)
using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
+ $INSTALL_HOME/bin/pkg image-update
a) Wenn it runs, it should state
- what stuff (module/package/etc.) gets downloaded
- where this stuff gets stored (since it obviously gets never
removed [what a pain] an admin needs to know, what a cron job
needs to do, to keep the system clean and how to prevent
blindly waisting backup ressources)
- what gets replaced
b) When it encounters a problem, it should clearly state, what the
problem is - generic messages are usually not helpful!
c) Installed/replaced files should have 'bin:bin' or 'root:sys'
ownership (see (1))
(3) Install add. GF modules/package as root or privileged user (RBAC SW
admin) using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
+ $INSTALL_HOME/bin/pkg install ...
see (2)
(4.0) Install a domain as root or privileged user (RBAC SW admin)
using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
+ $INSTALL_HOME/bin/asadmin create-domain \
--domaindir $DATA_DIR --user admin \
--instanceport 80 --domainproperties http.ssl.port=443 \
--asuser $AS_USER \
$DATA_DIR/$DOMAIN where only the files and directories have
ownership of $AS_USER (deduced from /etc/passwd), which really
need write permissions by the domain instance process (which
should be assumed to run as user $AS_USER). Everything else should
have ownership of 'root:root' or the RBAC role in action.
(4.1) As an alternative (to 4.0) Install a domain as unprivileged user
(e.g. $AS_USER) using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
$INSTALL_HOME/bin/asadmin create-domain \
--domaindir $DATA_DIR --user admin \
--instanceport 80 --domainproperties http.ssl.port=443 \
[--netprivileged] \
- Fail with an appropriate error message if $DATA_DIR is not
writable by $AS_USER
- if private ports are used:
- if '--netprivileged' is given, assume that the user is aware
of the fact, that 'net_privaddr' privilege is required to
run the instance properly (so this option is basically
required to be able to batch setups, not annoy the user)
- otherwise emit a warning message and ask, whether to continue
(e.g. "WARNING: 'net_privaddr' privilege is required to be
able to bind to private ports (0-1023). At the moment
$AS_USER does not have this privilege and thus the instance
will not work. Continue anyway [y/N]:")
- $DATA_DIR/$DOMAIN where all files and directories are owned by
(5.0) Create the SMF service as root or privileged user (RBAC SW admin)
using the command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
+ $INSTALL_HOME/bin/asadmin create-service \
--domaindir $DATA_DIR $DOMAIN
a) if /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish does not yet
exist, create it with ownership root:sys and 0755
b) MANIFEST=/var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/$DOMAIN.xml
with ownership root:sys and 0644 permissions. If that file
already exists, bail out with an appropriate error message
(e.g. $MANIFEST already exists. Please remove that service
first or choose another name ...)
c) $MANIFEST's start and stop method context should have
appropriate values, which reflect this instance. I.e.
- working_directory = $DATA_DIR/$DOMAIN
- method_credential user="$AS_USER"
NOTE: since the instance must be able to write to its log
directory, $AS_USER can be deduced from the ownership of
$DATA_DIR/$DOMAIN/logs, i.e. there is not really a need
for an --asuser switch wrt. create-service cmd (but might
be beneficial for other use cases).
- set privileges unconditionally to:
- if $AS_USER != "root" && $privatePortsInUse add
'net_privaddr' to the privileges unconditionally
NOTE: even if $AS_USER == "root" GF should never run with
all available OS/role/user privileges. For the rare
cases, where add. privileges are really required,
they should be explicitly added by editing $MANIFEST
or passing them via a TBD switch (e.g.
d) add an appropriate property group to the $MANIFEST's instance.
<property_group name='general' type='framework'>
<propval name='action_authorization' type='astring'
value='solaris.smf.manage.glassfish' />
<propval name='value_authorization' type='astring'
value='solaris.smf.manage.glassfish' />
For more fine grained permissions,
solaris.smf.manage.glassfish.$DOMAIN might be also an option
e) Optional: document the new auths if not already done. E.g.:
echo 'solaris.smf.manage.glassfish.:::GF Management' \
emit a message, that the new auths (which) have been created
f) import the $MANIFEST
g) emit svcadm|svccfg hints
(5.1) As an alternative to (5.0) - Create an appropriate Manifest ready
for SMF import as unprivileged user (e.g. $AS_USER) using the
command line (i.e. no GUI!!!)
$INSTALL_HOME/bin/asadmin create-service \
[--out $file] \
--domaindir $DATA_DIR $DOMAIN
a) if --out is given, set MANIFEST=$file
otherwise use MANIFEST=$DATA_DIR/$DOMAIN/manifest.xml
b) same as (5.0) c)
c) same as (5.0) d)
d) emit a hint, where one should put the manifest and how to
import it. E.g.:
'Please ask your system administrator to import the SMF
manifest "$MANIFEST", so that this instance gets
automatically stopped/started on system shutdown/boot
respectively using the following commands:
cp $MANIFEST /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/$DOMAIN.xml
svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/$DOMAIN.xml
svcadm enable glassfish/$DOMAIN
Also you may ask your Admin to allow you to manage glassfish
instances by adding solaris.smf.manage.glassfish.* to your
auths. E.g.:
usermod -A 'solaris.smf.manage.glassfish.*,'`auths $USER` $USER
e) same as (5.0) g)
Now to the problems/bugs/oddities I encountered during setup, which
actually lead to the suggestion above:
First illness wrt. Installation (1) is the requirement to define the
parameter for a domain, which is not required at all and gets usually
never used. Is one actually able to explain, why domain1 is required?
I know a lot of admins, which hate software, which daubs into software
installation directories. Creating domain1 within it is really an
invitation to break the system, because many users install it as root
(as normal behaving software expect it), than they wonder, why it does
not start/work and that's why they start it as root. Crazy!
Unexperienced users than say, well - it's running - have not a good
feeling, but at least 'I got that beast running' ...
BTW: Avoiding the domain creation would also make the SW installation
much simpler, natural and would make the more or less complex part of
creating answer files superfluous ...
The installation wrt. to dir/file ownership seems to be severely broken.
Even when installing as root, all files/dirs belong to root:root and
thus 'pkg verify' spits out a lot of warnings like:
file: glassfish/modules/websecurity.jar
Owner: 'root (0)' should be 'nobody (60001)'
Group: 'root (0)' should be 'sys (3)'
Size: 35571 bytes should be 35229
Hash: 8878e9c597c99fedb96ef119370c7851e3b17b23 should be 6f76a152b3b7
file: pkg/bin/depot.py
Group: 'root (0)' should be 'sys (3)'
Mode: 0644 should be 0664
Timestamp: 20100312T044808Z should be 20091008T194854Z
Even so it does not make any sense at all, why right after
installation files have a different size and hash as expected. Even
simple things like timestamps or file mode don't match. At least
Security Officers become at this point pretty nervous ...
Next thing is the bad choice of ownership: whereby group sys might be
ok, user 'nobody' is NOT AT ALL! This completely ignores decades of
common pratice to run processes like webservers as user nobody to
reduce the risk, that even malefunctioning software is able to harm the
system. IMHO the correct ownership should be bin:bin as for all normal
Solaris packages and gives RBAC Softadmin users the ability to update
the software without the need for getting root privileges.
'pkg fix' seems to be pretty dumb. I can't see the need to download
~90MB (about 2500 files) just to fix permissions. Normal Solaris
packages have a pkgmap file, which contains all required info.
I guess, the GF packages have a similar file - so if the 'fix' doesn't
trust it, wouldn't it be sufficient to download the "pkgmap", only?
Not sure, whether 'pkg fix' is broken or the packages itself (probably
both), but after a 'pkg fix' has been done, 'pkg verify' still ERRORs
with messages like:
pkg:/pkg ERROR
file: pkg/vendor-packages/pkg/nrlock.pyc
Group: 'root (0)' should be 'sys (3)'
Mode: 0644 should be 0664
Size: 1715 bytes should be 1712
Hash: 691f994b72ae781dce36b9227516d847d7296837 should be
pkg:/glassfish-appclient ERROR
dir: bin
Owner: 'root (0)' should be 'nobody (60001)'
pkg:/mq-config-gf ERROR
file: mq/etc/imqenv.conf
Owner: 'root (0)' should be 'nobody (60001)'
Group: 'root (0)' should be 'sys (3)'
Either 'pkg list' or 'pkg image-update' is broken:
+ bin/pkg list -v | fgrep 'u--'
pkg:/felix_at_2.0.2,0-0:20091203T054540Z installed
pkg:/glassfish-appclient_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T061841Z installed
pkg:/glassfish-cmp_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T060956Z installed
pkg:/glassfish-common_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T062350Z installed
pkg:/glassfish-common-full_at_3.0,0-74.2:20091203T060704Z installed
but: + bin/pkg image-update -v
Creating Plan / Before evaluation:
After evaluation:
No updates available for this image.
Strange, actually I have no clue, neither whether it is possible to
update packages nor how to do it. Even when starting domain1 and
registering the UI show 48 package updates available, but if one
changes to the 'Available Updates' tab, after thinking "an hour" it
displays an empty table.
BTW: Wondering, what takes so much time to just display something:
Is the dojo stuff so awefully slow (probably) or is it the package
stuff, running behind it. My logik tells me, if I already have
determined, that 48 packages need an update, I must also have all
relevant package infos, which lead to that result. So why does it
take centuries to get displayed - must be slow UI/dojo stuff ...
'asadmin create-domain' tries to be intelligent, what one gets is the
opposite. E.g. an admin switches to the unprivileged user under which
the instance should be running to avoid screwig up file permissions
which would lead to a non functioning instance (e.g. dueto
chmod 600 config/* ; etc.):
/opt/glassfish/v3/bin/asadmin --user admin create-domain \
--domaindir /data/sites/glassfish/v3 \
--instanceport 80 --domainproperties http.ssl.port=443 \
Enter the admin password [Enter to accept default of no password]>
Enter the admin password again>
Enter the master password [Enter to accept default password "changeit"]>
Enter the master password again>
You do not have permission to use port 80 for jforum. Try a different
port number or login to a more privileged account.
CLI130 Could not create domain, jforum
Command create-domain failed.
a) First annoying thing, I've to enter something 4 time, before the SW
recognizes an "error".
b) IMHO the SW designer makes wrong assumptions here: Not the user but
the SERVICE needs net_privaddr privileges. And if a normal user, e.g.
student should be able to manage this service, it needs the required
auths to manage that service (e.g. solaris.smf.manage.glassfish.* as
shown in (5.1) c),d)) - not less but also not more!
To second this: Think! Why should an admin allow an arbitrary user to
run any processes similar to smbd/nmbd/ftp/imap*/pop*/dhcp*/ldap/
finger/nntpd/rlogind etc. on private ports?
Just because he should be able to start/stop the glassfish instance?
So the designer's logik is severely broken wrt. security!
In this case asadmin should really WARN the user and ask, whether it
should continue to setup the domain in question as suggested in (5.1),
and if he says 'yes, I know', it should set it up as desired - no
net_privaddr privileges are required for this step.
BTW: Yes, the user might be smart enough to take this hurdle using
the option '--checkports false', but this is a really bad compromise
because the port overlapping check will not be made anymore! So a
different switch (e.g. --netprivileged) is required to accomplish,
what the normal user really desires.
c) Assuming the unprivileged user got its domain created (e.g. by
using the checkports option, asking the admin, etc.)
the next illness gets uncovered: E.g:
/opt/glassfish/v3/bin/asadmin create-service \
--domaindir /data/sites/glassfish/v3 jforum
The user [webservd] does not have permission to create the service
manifest related files and directories at
[/var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/]. This structure is required
per SMF guidelines. Either become super-user to do this operation or
contact the System Administrator to explicitly get the relevant
permissions and try again.
Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-service [--name <name>]
[--serviceproperties <serviceproperties>]
[--dry-run[=<dry-run(default:false)>]] [--domaindir <domaindir>]
[-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]] [domain_name]
Command create-service failed.
First hmm: Why is this message spoiled with the usage info?
2nd hmmm: A more or less relaxed admin might say - oh know,
don't bother me all the time with your crap:
mkdir -p /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/
chown student:sgid /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish
and tell him 'send me an email, when you changed something'.
Student tries it again:
The user [student] does not seem to have adequate authorizations
[solaris.smf.*] on this System to create and configure an SMF service.
The authorizations available are
See smf_security(5), rbac(5).
Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-service [--name <name>]
[--serviceproperties <serviceproperties>]
[--dry-run[=<dry-run(default:false)>]] [--domaindir <domaindir>]
[-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]] [domain_name]
Command create-service failed.
First hmmm: Why gets the message spoiled with the usage info?
2nd hmmm: Oh my goodness! I need to bother the admin again.
3rd hmm: the admin starts asking itself, what kind of strange
software is it, which requires solaris.smf.* just to be able to
create a manifest ...
So the SW designer made another fault: He tries to solve
two different problems at once (create the manifest, import it).
IMHO the correct and less annoying way is:
1) create the manifest as described in (5.0) c) and d)
2) try to copy it to /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/$DOMAIN.xml
if that fails
a) store it as $DATA_DIR/$DOMAIN.xml
b) emit a warning 'Unable to save manifest as ....'
and a message as suggested in (5.1) d) and exit
3) try to import the manifest
if that fails, emit a warning like
'Unable to import manifest $MANIFEST (insufficient auths).' and
add a message similar to (5.1) d) but without the copy instruction
and exit
The hint wrt. /var/svc/manifest/application/GlassFish/ permission
is IMHO completely misleading and dangerous as well - so vaporize
it completely!
Furthermore the error message wrt. to solaris.smf.* auths required
is also misleading. The unexperienced user/admin @home interpretes
this actually as an instruction to assign those auths to the given
user, which is plain wrong (analog to the net_privaddr problem).
d) Glassfish or any other webservice usually does not need the
privileges to create hard links to files owned by a UID different
from the process's effective UID. Also it usually does not need
to examine the status of processes other than its own sub
processes or to send signals or trace processes outside its own
session. So file_link_any, proc_info and proc_session privileges
should be removed from the service's 'basic' privilege set (see
(5.0) c)).
So the whole point here: Solaris provides really a lot of features
obsoleting the "'all' or 'nothing'" weaknesses. SW should help
user and admins to make use of it in a correct manner and make others
aware of, that there is actually an OS, which allows hosting services
in a more secure/fine grained way, than they know it from others.
That's all for now.
Thanx for your attention,
PS: X-posting to admin_at_glassfish.dev.java.net and
quality-feedback_at_glassfish.dev.java.net since I'm not sure, which one
is the correct one. Please point it into the right direction, of necessary.
Otto-von-Guericke University
Department of Computer Science Geb. 29 R 027, Universitaetsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg, Germany Tel: +49 391 67 12768
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