Re: directory layout

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 15:55:50 -0800

I'm off to the gym- no time for a reply right now.

BUT -- go take a look at an actual machine in a cluster -- you can see
the log files, file layout etc. (Note that logging is, in my opinion, a
huge important deal and we should have a good solid design in 3.1 for
it. It is a weak point of V2)

iasengsol8 (or 10 or 12) --> username=aroot password=glassfish


cd /export/eric/sailfin/

and poke around...

(the instances are running)

On 3/10/2010 3:38 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> Under the install directory, the directory structure for v2 is this:
> domains
> || ---- domain1
> nodeagents
> || ---- <nodeagent1>
> || ---- agent
> || ---- bin
> || ---- config
> | ---- ----> information about DAS
> | ----
> | ---- domain.xml
> | ---- admin-keyfile
> | ---- admsn
> | ---- cacerts.jks
> | ---- domain-passwords
> | ---- keystore.jks
> | ---- login.conf
> | ---- server.policy
> || ---- logs
> | ---- server.log
> || ---- <instance1>
> || ---- bin
> || ---- config
> || ---- <cluster1-config>
> || ---- logs
> || ---- applications
> || ---- generated
> || ---- lib
> || ---- applibs
> || ---- classes
> || ---- ext
> || ---- docroot
> || ---- jbi
> || ---- imq
> I'm trying to understand how this works, and how it should work when
> there's no node agent.
> It looks like everything from the domain's config directory is in
> agent/config, except the config-specific config directory. Is that
> correct?
> What happens to log files? Do all instances log to the same log
> file? I assume not. I assume they each have their own log file
> in the <instance>/logs directory and the agent/logs directory is
> used for logs for the node agent itself. Correct?
> If the instances do their own synchronization, it seems that we can't
> support having a single config directory per node, shared by all the
> instances. The config data will have to be moved under the
> <instance>/config directory. Anyone see any problems with that?
> The agent/config/ file can continue to be used to
> configure the DAS address for all instances under this node agent
> (or fake node agent).
> We need to allow both an instance and the DAS to run on the same machine
> using the same software installation image. That means the instance
> can't keep its data under the domains directory. With no node agent,
> does it make sense to keep the data under the nodeagents directory?
> We could use a fake node agent name such as "default" or "none" for
> this case.
> With a single v2 software installation, multiple node agents supporting
> instances in multiple domains can be created. With no actual node
> agents, how can we support the same? Seems like we need multiple
> "fake" node agent directories. Should the names of these directories
> be derived from the domain name or the DAS address, at least by default,
> so that users don't need to choose the name of a directory that doesn't
> matter to them?
> Alternatively, we could enhance the create-node-agent command to have
> a "--fake" option, or something like that, so that we could use it to
> create the directory structure above. Then a "create-local-instance"
> command (or "create-instance --local") could be used to configure the
> instance-specific part.
> I'm leaning towards this latter approach.
> Comments?
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Byron Nevins  -  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188