If I can see the service configuration XML file, it would help me find
the root cause, but in the mean time, I fixed the quotation handling of
the <argument> element and releaed winsw 1.9.
Byron Nevins wrote:
> I believe you have found a fat bug. One that has reared its head in many
> situations over the years. You have a space in your install folder. The
> windows program we are using to help with the services -- winsw.exe -- does not
> appear to respect the spaces in the name.
> If you simply attempt to run EXACTLY what the error files say they are trying to
> run -- you will see the problem clearly:
> start-domain --verbose --domaindir J:/Aux Program Files/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains domain1
> i.e.
> start-domain --verbose --domaindir J:/Aux Program Files/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains domain1
> -- start-domain sees 3 operands. Only 0 or 1 operand is allowed (the domain name)
> =============================================================================
> I have 2 work-arounds --
> 1) Reinstall V3 into a path with no spaces (this will fix the problem for sure)
> 2)
> 1. create the service
> 2. uninstall it (....\domain1\bin\domain1Service.exe uninstall)
> 3. edit domain1Service.xml and put literal double-quotes around the path.
> 4. domain1Service.exe install
> 5. doman1Service.exe start
> (I have not tried (2) yet)
> Joseph Chen wrote:
>> I have two installations of GF3, both of them Windows Server 2003. I
>> have them both installed with the default domain, domain1. I have
>> created the service to run GF following these instructions:
>> http://blogs.sun.com/foo/entry/platform_services_available_in_v3
>> The service crashes on both systems very shortly after being started,
>> both from the services console and from the command line. Here is the
>> content of my domain1Service.err.log:
>> Command start-domain only accepts one operand
>> Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] start-domain
>> [--debug[=<debug(default:false)>]] [--domaindir <domaindir>]
>> [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]]
>> [--upgrade[=<upgrade(default:false)>]]
>> [-v|--verbose[=<verbose(default:false)>]] [domain_name]
>> There is also a domain1Service.out.log file being created with the contents:
>> Command start-domain failed.
>> And a file domain1Service.wrapper.log:
>> 2010-02-08 23:26:04 - Starting J:/Aux Program
>> Files/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat start-domain --verbose
>> --domaindir J:/Aux Program Files/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains domain1
>> 2010-02-08 23:26:04 - Started 3288
>> On both systems, the output files are the same, albeit with different
>> paths and processIDs in the wrapper.log file.
>> Please advise.
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> --
> Byron Nevins - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Home: 650-359-1290
> Cell: 650-784-4123
> Sierra: 209-295-2188
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems http://weblogs.java.net/blog/kohsuke/