NEW 12/01/09 --- FINAL REVIEW of gfv3 Admin Guide

From: Dixie Pine <Dixie.Pine_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 14:24:02 -0800


I have just posted a new FINAL REVIEW draft of the /GlassFish Enterprise
Server v3 Administration Guide/ dated 12/1/09.

This draft contains new REST material in chapter 2, plus all comments
received so far on monitoring, transactions, thread pools, database and
EIS connectivity, and JavaMail. I have not received comments on the
other sections of the manual


    If you are named as a *To:* recipient of this email, you are
    considered a *key reviewer *of this manual, and I need to hear from
    you, if only to say "looks fine". Specific review areas and key
    reviewers are listed in the reviewer dashboard for the Admin Guide here:

All comments are due by *Thursday, December 3, 2009*.

The review has been extended for a couple of days. If I don't hear from
you, I must assume that the material in the manual is correct for gfv3.

    DON'T: Please don't open Issue Tracker issues; takes longer for me
    to process.

Thanks again,