Dixie Pine wrote:
> On 12/02/09 14:51, Jennifer Chou wrote:
>> Suggestion for reorganizing the application and web statistics to
>> reduce redundancy.
>> 1. Replace Applications Statistics heading with EJB Statistics p. 143
> Done
>> 2. Remove General Application Statistics section p. 143
> Done
>> 3. Remove Table 8-5 Application Monitoring Statistics p. 143
> Done
>> 4. Add app specific dotted name pattern to Web JSP Statistics p. 163
>> server.applications./web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
>> server.applications/.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
> I deleted the one that was there and added these two. Correct?
sorry I meant keep the one that was there too. So there will be three
(first is for all web apps; others are app specific)..
>> 5. Add app specific dotted name pattern to Web Request Statistics p. 163
>> server.applications./web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
>> server.applications/.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
> Same as above.
Keep server.web.request./statistic/
>> 6. Add app specific dotted name patter to Web Servlet Statistics p. 164
>> server.applications./web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
>> server.applications/.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
> Same as above.
Keep server.web.servlet./statistic/
>> 7. Add app specific dotted name pattern to Web Session Statistics p. 164
>> server.applications./web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
>> server.applications/.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic/
> Same as above
Keep server.web.session./statistic/
>> 8. Add a new table for app-specific, servlet-specific statistics
>> Web Application Servlet Statistics
>> ----------------------------------
>> server.applications./web-module.virtual-server.servlet.statistic/
>> server.applications./application.web-module.virtual-server/./servlet/./statistic/
>> Same as the Table 18--7 Web Container (Servlet) Statistics from 9.1
>> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-3671/6n5si4c9c?a=view#gellc
> Done
>> without the Unit column, and
>> with an additional row for the servicetime statistic:
>> servicetime
>> description = Aggregate response time in milliseconds
>> data type = CountStatistic
> Done
>> Jennifer
>> Dixie Pine wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I have just posted a new FINAL REVIEW draft of the /GlassFish
>>> Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide/ dated 12/1/09.
>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=AdministrationGuide
>>> This draft contains new REST material in chapter 2, plus all
>>> comments received so far on monitoring, transactions, thread pools,
>>> database and EIS connectivity, and JavaMail. I have not received
>>> comments on the other sections of the manual
>>> If you are named as a *To:* recipient of this email, you are
>>> considered a *key reviewer *of this manual, and I need to hear
>>> from you, if only to say "looks fine". Specific review areas and
>>> key reviewers are listed in the reviewer dashboard for the Admin
>>> Guide here:
>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=GlassFishV3DocPlanAdminGuide#section-GlassFishV3DocPlanAdminGuide-ReviewerDashboard
>>> All comments are due by *Thursday, December 3, 2009*.
>>> The review has been extended for a couple of days. If I don't hear
>>> from you, I must assume that the material in the manual is correct
>>> for gfv3.
>>> DON'T: Please don't open Issue Tracker issues; takes longer for
>>> me to process.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Dixie