FINAL REVIEW of gfv3 Admin Guide

From: Dixie Pine <Dixie.Pine_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 11:38:38 -0800


The FINAL REVIEW draft of the /GlassFish Enterprise Server v3
Administration Guide/ is available on the comments wiki here:

If you are named as a *To:* recipient of this email, you are considered
a *key reviewer *of this manual, and I need to hear from you, if only to
say "looks fine". I have not called out QA reviewers as key reviewers,
but QA names are on the dashboard. The QA review is definitely as
important as the dev review. Specific review areas are listed in the
Reviewer Dashboard here:

There are some holes and possibly wrong names in the dashboard. Let me
know if corrections are needed.

All comments are due by *Tuesday, December 1, 2009*.

As you can see, there's not much time to review (surprise), so please
don't delay. Pay special attention to the queries that I have put in the
doc. Be sure to include the page number in the PDF with each of your
comments. I'm happy to receive comments in email, comments wiki,
hardcopy markup, on the phone, face-to-face, whatever works.

    DON'T: Please don't open Issue Tracker issues; takes longer for me
    to process.

Thanks in advance,